Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Glory Days and Weening

My oldest friend is having a baby, a little girl, and we showered her on Saturday.  Taylor's mom and my mom were best friends in college, in each others' weddings and friends up until mom died.  Therefore, Taylor and I grew up together, lived together one summer in college, and lived together our senior year.   She's the second one on the right.  Well, Sally Frances is coming and she needed all things girly to prepare for her day.  It was a sweet shower in Oxford at City Grocery.
Bitty and I made Trey a cake to celebrate rounding to 40 (I realize he did at 35, but I just thought about this clever rounding business this year).  Puddin and Pops cooked burgers and we went to chow down.
There's always drama at our house.  ALWAYS!!!!!  Like no peace.  Someone is screaming.  Someone is crying.  There's fighting.  There's jealousy.  It's drama filled here in Mayberry.  Well, Sunday, I was in the bathroom putting on my makeup for church while Bitty and Annie played in my closet.  Annie started crying.  It was the hurt cry.   Not the Bitty is ticking me off cry.  I ran in there and she had this stuck in her mouth....

Anyone who even remotely knows me, knows I hate blood and all things yuck.  Apparently, Sister was biting on the hanger and fell.  When she fell it went into the soft tissue under her tongue and she couldn't get it out.  I had to yank it out and there was blood and screams.  I ran down the hall to show Trey.  We went on to church but when we picked her up from the nursery it was swollen.  Kind of like she had cotton stuffed in there.
She wouldn't talk.  She wouldn't eat or drink.  She was drooling and needy/clingy.  We sent pictures to our dentist and he checked her out.  He said she was okay and the swelling was due to the trauma.  Some meds were given and she is better and decided to eat again after two days.
When your momma sings and you don't want to hear it.
She thinks she's funny.  And I was singing her favorite song, The Itsy Bitsy Spider!
Bitty finally got himself a play date!!!!!!  Walt, his bff, lives around the corner and he invited John Brantley to come play in his dirt pile.  A little dirt pile playing is good for the soul.
I had the privilege of seeing my Granddaddy twice last week.  Then on Sunday my Uncle Jeff sent this picture to me while he was visiting the VA.  All the residents were having their church service.  That's my Granddaddy in the Ole Miss jacket.  This is one of the sweetest pictures.
Do you see what I see????  That would be Fancy watching the MHS 1998 football games.  AKA his glory days.  I thanked (sarcastically) the coach he made him the 10+ dvds of the old high school games.  Trey literally spent over six hours this weekend watching.
AND forcing the boys to watch.  Notice the clothes change, this was another day!
We have 9 acres.  That's a lot to mow.  Some of it is left to be bush hogged, which is only done when I complain that I might get eaten by a wild critter.  Trey finally cut the entire yard this weekend.
Sister desperately wanted a ride too!!!
When you wait in car rider line on the first day for 45 minutes......
Cuteness.... I love this kid and his words.  So he calls that thing I call a fly swatter that you kill bugs with a "flouse swopper" and those things we call a huggie or coozie he calls a "hubbie" or "chubbie".  I would never correct such cuteness!
This child.... He's so sweet.  At school he nerdily picked the seat at the front of the row in the middle.  Like he's nose to nose with his teacher.  Yesterday he proudly got in the car saying he demonstrated self-control and got a jug of bubbles.  He said only him and two others got any.  We went to Sonic on that note.
Sigh- homework.  It's real.  We get real grades.  It's hard to do homework when you need quietness and calmness but you have two others that are making racket.
Bitty refused to participate in homework...
He just screamed at Annie, who is going to clock him just any day now, and I will let her.  She's been the victim of his wrath far too long.
Chef Bitty is always helping anyone cook.
Ford would rather kick balls in the house.
Almost 18 months.  For almost 18 months I have breast fed Annie exclusively.  But now we are coming to the point where I have to quit.  I refuse to take a pump to Disney World, so the weening process began today.  Normally I feed her when she first wakes up, before her morning nap, before her afternoon nap, and at bedtime.  This morning I got her up and instead of going to the chair I changed her diaper.  She made some unhappy noises and pointed to the chair.  When we started walking to the door to leave her room she lost it!!!!!  I wanted to cry and give in, but I didn't.  Instead we went to the kitchen and fixed a bottle of warmed milk.  Thank the good Lord above that she drank it, reluctantly... but she drank it.   These next few weeks are going to be hard on me.

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...