I feel like getting real with y'all for a minute. Three kids is hard. If someone tells you otherwise they are LYING!!!!! I rise at 5:00 AM each (weekday) morning. I know you probably think that's ridiculous and why in Sam Hill would I do such a stupid thing. I find personal hygiene to be very important, and if I don't bathe then it won't happen. Showers aren't an option. I am literally running around all day tending to the needs of my people and today I'm tired. Some days I feel defeated. Like yesterday, I did... therefore, I put the children to bed at 6:40! Tonight I told Trey I might get a job offshore because I was wiped out! He rolled his eyes. It's real around here... real life...real crazy....It's just real.
Friday was the first day the kids could wear jerseys to school. It was a big day and Bitty was pleased with this idea...
It been a tradition the last 9+ years since Trey and I moved back to Senatobia to eat with Puddin and Pops on Sunday after church. Pops loves sweets as much as I do... that's a lot, so he needed a bowl of ice cream for dessert.
I think it's a mutual love. Pops loves ice cream. Annie loves ice cream. Pops loves Annie. Annie loves Pops.
The result of going to bed TOO late. 100% Daddy's fault and I had to pay the consequences.
Sister is 18 months old. That's 1.5 years. It's tooooooooo old!
I do l-o-v-e Timehop. Here's how she's changed in a year.
John Brantley
Weight: 21.2 lbs. – Under 5th percentile
Height: 32 inches – 25th percentile Head circumference- 48.5 cm – 75th |
Weight: 24.3 lbs. – 25th percentile
Height: 50th percentile H ead circumference: 75th percentile |
Annie’s 18 month stats….
Weight: 24.6 lbs. – 50th
Height: 32 in. – 60th percentile Head Circumference: 48.5 cm- 90th percentile (I think this is wrong. They usually stay the same. Hers has always been 75th). |
Some personality traits: loving, loud, prissy, bossy, sassy,
Likes: outside, candy, pizza, sausage muffins, riding the golf cart, riding toys, balls, animals, swimming, bath time, tee teeing on the potty, drinks, ice, popsicles, shoes, jewelry, hats, make-up, pretending to drive the car, being held, cookies, chips, cell phones, chapstick, her Bubbas, yelling "Mommmmmmma", familiar people, helping me do whatever I'm doing.
Dislikes: lots of food, cold milk, walking in grass, being in her car seat a lot of the time, getting dressed, getting out of the bath tub, when people come to visit and they leave, not being held when she demands attention, having her nose wiped, and wearing shoes.
18 months marks the end of my nursing career. Three kids and 43 months.... I need a certificate of completion.
I'm 99.9% sure we almost made history yesterday. I strongly believe we were about to be the first family in Mayberry to be banned from the public library. It would have been Annie's fault for all the yelling she was doing.
Shot day at the doctor's office.
This morning I thanked God for this masterpiece.
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