Sunday, July 31, 2016

I got a Fanny Pack, y'all

Sometimes you just have to start a blog off with a B-A-N-G!!!!  I mean it's not everyday that your 17 month old thinks she's blossomed enough for a bra!
Trey didn't see the humor as much as I did!
Two years ago when Bitty was just a few months over two years old he started getting out of his baby bed, so we transitioned to a big boy bed.  That created another load of new problems because I had to lay down with him, and then he'd cry or get out of his bed.  In January 2015, I decided, against Ford's wishes, to put him in Ford's bed to sleep.  They've been together ever since and ohhhhhhhhhh it melts my heart!
We are closing in on summer.  If you'd have asked me how I felt about summer break in May I would have rolled my eyes I'm sure.  But I have grown accustomed to our flexible summer days.  We do as we please.  We play.  We swim.  We watch shows.  We go see daddy at work.  We do what we want, but that is about to come to a screeching halt.  School starts on Friday.  Until then we will play at the park.
And yes, she thinks she's just as big as the Bubbas.
She wouldn't let me help her even when those fat legs got stuck on the slide.
We brought our new neighbor, Finley too.
And we bake chocolate treats as well.  I think they liked licking the bowl the most.  Bitty was sort of territorial over the licking.  Wonder who he gets that from..... (Trey).....
We LOVE a countdown chain.  John Brantley requested that we make one for school and Christmas.  Siri said Christmas was 151 days away so I shot that down QUICK, but we made a school countdown chain.
I'm not cool.  I don't try to be cool.  I try to be me.  Just Jill.  I do what pleases me, not others.  What pleased me a lot this weekend was my new FANNY PACK!!!!!!!!!!!  Ohhh yes, I got one, it's purple, and it's point on.  I will sport this bad boy all over Disney World and I might break it out in Mayberry just for kicks and giggles.  (Sidenote- Trey HATES it!!!!)
And so the drama begins.... who am I kidding... It started a while back!
It seems as if I have more pictures of Sister.  That's because she's stuck to me like glue and she's such a cute subject, and she says "heeeeese" (cheese) when I get my phone out.
She's going to be our left handed child!
Who's the cutest Ninja Turtle I know????

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Wannie is 17 months

Ohhh Sister is 17 months old...turned it on Saturday.  There's no way to celebrate turning 1 year and 5 months like riding 9 hours in a car on the way home from Destin.
This child is FULL of personality.  She has spunk and facial expressions that could last for days.  She has changed a lot over the last month.  She's very loud and vocal.  Since she only has a small vocabulary (momma, dadda, bubba, bye bye, bah (ball), cheese (smiling for pics), no no, Bo (dog) or bow (hair bow), etc.) she just screams, squeals, shrieks or whatever she can to get her point across.  It's amazing that she does so too....I usually figure it out.
The girl can hold her own too.  Ohhhh golly.  Bitty loves her, but he's a terrorist.  She screams and slaps at him.  The other day John Brantley stole her riding toy and she chased him yelling in something that sounded Chinese, then she whopped him upside the head.  I laughed.
Despite her ever chunkiness, she isn't a good eater.  She likes junk but nothing healthy too much.  It's stressing me out.  ALL of my kids are bad eaters.  Well, Ford has improved, but the others aren't.  I'm still nursing her because it's so easy and she won't drink whole milk.  We are taking the boys to Disney World soon (sister didn't get a bid) so I will be done before our trip.  I am honestly having a hard time thinking about quitting.  If you haven't breast fed you wouldn't understand, but if you have then you know the emotional bond it provides.
I think she's close to dropping the two naps a day gig.  My boys both did at 18 months so my time is limited.  At the current time, it would be nice to go to one nap because we are stuck at home a lot with her sleeping.  But when school starts back I would prefer two.  I can get a lot done when she sleeps and the boys are at school.
Her clothes sizes are still the same and since we got tubes there have been very few doctor visits so I have no stats to report.  She gets 18 month shots next month so we will see what she's got then.
Seeing her asleep, so uncomfortably, makes me want to squeeze her.  And I do, many times a day!
I'm pretty sure she wants to sleep in the big bed with the Bubbas.  She always wiggles to get down from my hip and hop in there with them.  The other night I pulled the covers over her and she smiled so big.
We mustn't forget "The Bit".   He's sort of a local legend.  Mrs. Rosy gave him some goggles at the beach and he wore them all the way home and while playing outside!
When we were building our house I asked the architect to draw us a playroom downstairs near the kitchen.  Trey thought it was a crazy idea, and I thought it was brilliant.  I was sure the boys would play in there all the time.  We even put two closets for the toys and a desk area with shelves.  Well, it was a nice idea because we need a place for junk to go, but they seem to bring the toys out into the living room and then my entire house is a huge mess!!!!!  I have strong urges to throw 80% of it away, but I refrain.  I must remind myself that the days are long (Lord have mercy on me they are), but the years are short.  And I know this so I will let my house be a huge mess, cluttered with toys and forever be embarrassed when folks drop by.  All the while I will remember that one day, yes one day, those toys will be gone and I will wish they were there for me to trip over and step on and think dirty words.  So don't judge me because I honestly do prefer a clean house, but for now I just live here and I'll let them play!

Monday, July 25, 2016

Beach 2k16 Part 3 after the bar convention

  Let me start off by saying that I love to blog.  I do.  I like to write, even though I make plenty of grammatical errors... that's not what this is all about.  I just like getting all of my nonsense out there and possibly making someone laugh along the way.  I started blogging in the summer of 2008 because my sister in law thought I should.  I wasn't as excited about that idea as she was, but since Ashley created my blogger page I went with it.  I have had the absolute best time, it's quite therapeutic too might I add, writing, posting pictures, and just sharing my thoughts.  I always liked the idea of random people seeing how we live and who I am.  I try to put my feelings out there and not be fake, rather just keeping it real.  Well, if you're reading this then you know that my page can no longer be open to the public since someone (a real freak show) stole hundreds of pictures of my family, created an Instagram account, and posed as us (new names of course) for more than a year.  That was beyond upsetting and I'm glad the Instagram page is gone, my blog is private, and that the individual who did such is unknown to me or it might not be pretty.  But my blog will carry on and we shall continue with Part 3 and the final post of the beach trip 2016....

Thursday night BoomPa offered to keep all 6 kids while the parents went out for supper.  Without much thought on the big offer I agreed that we should go and accepted the kind gesture.  He doesn't approve of me saying this part, BUT I did put Sister to sleep before the big departure.  He still had to tackle the 5 older, wild ones.
 I think Fancy was thrilled to get a date with me....Or maybe he's just being weird.  It's your call.
 Ken is just being weird.
 We tried to recreate the special 1990's style prom pose.
We went to eat at some bed and breakfast and honestly I don't remember the name of it.  But it was super nice and they gave the women roses.
 Anyone a fan of the show The Bachelor?  Ashley and I got the FINAL ROSE!!!!!
Thank you, Dad, for the mental health break.  They are always much needed and appreciated.
My parents started taking the family to the beach in 2007.  It's been a yearly tradition with grandchildren being added in faster than we anticipated.  Also, it's customary that we take family beach pictures where Fancy complains the entire time and says we've done enough.
 Annie.  Isn't.  Having.  It.

 Boompa and the babies
 Dad has mad skills
Usually we plan beach outfits months in advance.  The guys all had on Columbia fishing shirts and the girls whatever they wanted.
 My precious family.  I love our beach vacations.  Gran made BoomPa promise that we'd continue the trips and we did.  She was missed and will forever be loved.  Thanks for a great week, Dad.  I love you.
One last thing...Bitty for President!!!!!

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...