Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Not promised tomorrow

You wake up each day and go about your business like things are "supposed to" be.  You don't think about the what if or what could happen.   The thought that it could be your last day doesn't cross your mind.  It doesn't cross mine either.  

Sunday my family got up and went to church as we do every Sunday.  I taught my 11th-12th grade Sunday school class about Samuel, and then grabbed Ford from his class.  He'd been sickly all weekend so we headed north to the doctor to get checked out.  While I was waiting on the doctor my phone began ringing continuously and binging from texts.  The first caller asked if I was alright.  I was thinking how does she know I'm at the doctor with Ford.  She wasn't referring to that at all.  Caller #1 was making sure it wasn't my suv that hit the culvert of my driveway, wiped out my mailbox and flipped over in the ditch.  
That random car has nothing to do with the wreck.  
A text I received showing me the horror that awaited in my driveway when I got home.  
The young man, who was 28, had gone to the gas station before heading to play golf.  He never made it.  What happened to cause him to run off the road?   I don't know.  I do know he leaves behind a wife that he wasn't even married to for a year and a mother who also buried her husband less than a year ago.  
It's eerie pulling out of my driveway and seeing a crushed mailbox, bricks scattered throughout my yard, and things that belonged to the young man in the grass.
We aren't promised tomorrow.  It's a simple phrase I try to remember.  Death doesn't discriminate by gender, age, race, socio economic status, etc.  We will all die.  Only God knows when.

"Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven."  Matthew 7:21
Be safe.  Love your family.  Know the Lord.  

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

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