Monday, February 29, 2016

Dancing FOR the Stars

I enjoy the reality TV show called "Dancing with the Stars".  You have to wonder how much practice, patience, and experience the couples have.  I know I'll never be sitting in the audience of the hit show, but I got front row seats at a local dancing competition debuting yours truly, FANCY!!!!!!

We had a little dress practice Friday night... notice I didn't say rehearsal! 
Jodie, Trey's partner, and obviously someone who possess an amazing amount of patience, and Fancy practiced for months.  She text me in the fall inquiring about him being her partner.  I laughed, a good laugh, shared his digits, and prayed he'd accept the offer of a lifetime.  He did... they practice, she probably cussed him under her breath a lot, but it paid off!

Even ole BoomPa wouldn't miss such a momentous occasion.
Trey and Jodie pre Smooth Criminal debut.
There were 9 couples competing and they were #7!
He broke out moves I had never seen in my over 13 years .....
 Wonder what that face is???  He looked like that the first minute or so!!!!
 Get it!!!!
I think Bobba enjoyed herself!
Dad, aka BoomPa, is known to have some moves himself.  I guess they were discussing Trey's performance!
WINNER of the Crowd Choice Award!!!!!!  They also raised the most money the night of the event.
Here's the real star and one who will benefit from the almost $49,000 raised, John Roy.  The night was held to raise money for The Baddour Center.  Please look at the link.
Liz won the most money raised before the event!
Pam, you're up next year, sister!
Despite ALL the complaining (I'm using a nicer word there) this boy had a great time and is quite proud of himself and that shiny trophy!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

A victim on her birthday

Yes, I am quite aware that Little Miss Priss has been dominating the blog here lately.  Things have been happening in her world that are worthy of documenting.  

Yesterday was her birthday.  In 2015 and 2016 I got up at 4:00 AM on February 23.  I do NOT plan to make this an annual event.  Last year it was because she was scheduled for eviction (c-section) bright and early, and this year we got tubes!   What a fun way to celebrate your birth.  

So, I woke up at 4:00 after sleeping only about 4 hours.  God tells us to be anxious about nothing, but I have such a hard time with that.  I couldn't fall asleep, I woke up from 1:30-2:00 to feed her (they said no milk after 2:00), and the blasted alarm went off at 4:00.  
We left at 5:45 headed to Memphis in the dark.  We were nearing the interstate when a rabbit ran out in front of my car.  I smiled real big.  My mom loved rabbits.  She had them in almost every room in the house. I knew God was sending me a hello from mom saying it would be ok!
Fancy had to be in Jackson (y'all are all welcome citizens of Mississippi) so BoomPa came with me.  Puddin and Pops kept the boys and got them to school.  I couldn't do it without my helpers!

Annie wanted the bear. 
These nurses are super smart.  Give the children a toy to play with while you check their weight and blood pressure.
She is fat and squishy and I LOVE IT!!!!!!
That dimple.  Those cheeks.  That hospital gown!  Ohhhhhhh so cute!
Sister was busy busy busy for the ummm 45+ minutes we waited.
It's good to have a BoomPa around.  He was "Johnny on the spot" when he thought she might fall or was getting too close to other people.  I enjoyed the rest!
Okay now to the real issue... the tubes.  They weren't kidding when they said it would be fast.  Dad didn't even finish his small cup of coffee and they were paging us to come on back.  The nurse "warned" that she might cry and be upset after the procedure.  Well, she failed to mention that should would be acting like a maniac who wanted to kill the world.  I have NEVER in my life!  Annie was screaming, crying, kicking, sweating, bucking, swatting, scratching, etc.  When we were talking to the doctor in the conference room I heard her crying.  He said, "Oh there are a lot of babies back there."  Ha... nice try doc.  I know my baby and it was her yelling to the high Heavens.  Dad and I took turns being a victim of her wrath.  It went on for 30-40 minutes.  Finally I nursed her to sleep and we headed home...
She couldn't hang anymore.
The nice nurses let Annie pick a toy since she was about to have a rough day.  Since she had  no clue what to pick I chose the doll for her.  Then when they found out she was being violated on her birthday she got the twirly light-up toy too!
When we got home I found a sweet card and snack in the mailbox from the same friend who left me a bag of sunshine!
And we can't leave out "The Bubbas".  Yep... after no sleep the night before I was struggling ALL day.  I bathed the littles at 3:15 and Ford got a shower by 4:45.  Annie was in bed by 6:30 and the boys and I hopped in at 7:00.  And that's how it's done!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Happy 12 months Annie

WE SURVIVED!!!!!!!  Yes, we did!  We survived an entire year, and whew... I'm glad I made it.  Whoever said three kids isn't hard is lying.  They are.  Don't believe them.  However, three is doable, and I wouldn't trade it for the world.  Some days I might wish I could shave my legs, dry my hair without holding someone, eat a meal and not have a child in my lap, or have a conversation without being interrupted, but it's all part of the gig called motherhood!

Should you wish to look back at her baby story here it is: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4...
Annie is fun.  That's the best way to describe her.  "Fun".  She's always in a good mood, unless of course Bitty is all in her business.  She recently found out that she loves swinging.
Outside is fabulous, to little sister.  She gets those legs to kicking when the door opens.
Annie also loves little people.  Maggie and Annie are 12 days apart in age and I am pretty sure will grow up to be best buddies!
Some Annie facts:
She has 7 teeth: 4 on the top and 3 on the bottom.
She wears a Size 4 in Luvs, 3 in shoes, and 12-18 months in clothes.
She hates getting her nose wiped, getting dressed, being left alone, getting out of the bath tub, when the Bubba's mess with her stuff, and being assaulted at the doctor!
Annie loves many things which include but aren't limited to: ice, drinks, suckers, cake, outside, animals, driving her red car, riding in a buggy, bath time, kisses, being tickled, someone holding her, balloons, baby dolls, balls, the Bubba's, going places, and food.
I will fill in her stats after the doctor next week:
Weight: 21 lbs. 8 oz. - 50th percentile
Height: 29 in.- 33rd percentile
Head Circumference: 46.5 cm- 80th percentile

Annie wakes up at 5:20 and I feed her.  She plays and has some breakfast.
At 8:00 I feed her and she naps until about 10:00.  She feeds again for about 3 minutes and then we usually run errands and pick up Bitty.  She has lunch and about 12:45 I feed her again and she naps until 2:25.  Then we get Ford, play, have supper and a bath.  I feed her and put her to bed at 7:00.
She isn't walking independently yet.  I am thinking she will soon since we got tubes today (another post about that soon).  Annie will cruise along the furniture quite nicely though.  And the girl can crawl speedy fast.
She can squeal.  Annie has a set of lungs on her like none other, and she certainly found her voice.  She squeals to show excitement and happiness, and anger when Bitty takes her stuff!
Sometimes Daddy does things a little differently than momma.... like feeding her on the floor.  BUT I sure didn't say anything.  I was thankful for the help!
Siblings, especially brothers, are good for having tea parties!
I'm quite particular about people keeping my babies, all three of them.  I have a select few that I trust.  Anna Greer is one of my sitters and Annie thinks she's great!  We love our Greer!
I am guessing she doesn't appreciate my cabinet locks!
I know two big brothers who will always protect this little girl!
Her last ride in the infant carrier: February 21, 2016!
Her first ride in the big girl seat!!
I have thoroughly enjoyed the pink, bows, and accessories that come with a little girl.
Annie is a people person!  She loves to be carried around.  After becoming a mom I now know why God gave me such big hips... It's so my babies have somewhere to sit and be hauled around!
Annie grunts.  It's great.  I love it when she gets fired up and starts her noises.  She loves pattie-cake and riding the horsey.  Annie can say "bye bye", "momma", and "bubba".  She loves to wave.
Her brothers love to "help" if you will....
She's bigger than The Bit!
Ohhh I'll just do it myself.
I'll admit that I cried a good bit at first when I found out that I was pregnant again.  It wasn't "my plan" or "good timing".  Who's to say???  What do I know???  There is no perfect time.  What is perfect is God's plan, and He knew that we needed this little firecracker to complete our family only the way she could.  I wish I could take back all those tears.  I'd cry now if I didn't have my little Wan Wan.  Thank you God for my precious baby girl who certainly is "cute as a button".

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...