Monday, January 18, 2016

Iphone dump

At some point you just want to throw your hands up and scream, "I give up!!!!" But I won't do that.  I'm going to "try" to get back on my regular blogging kick.  I'm very very behind so welcome to a random iPhone photo dump!

The Monday after Christmas I spent 5.5 hours in the ER due to headaches from the wreck.  I'll never go back.  Never!!   I had high blood pressure (I'm sure) after leaving because they kept me there ALL day!!!!!
Ford went hunting with Fancy.
The Wednesday after Christmas, we met the cousins and Aunt Ashley in Oxford to see Granddaddy and play at Pirates Adventure.
There's a new fun app on my phone called "Die Hard Fan."   We've all tried it out.
Sometimes you get in trouble if you shoot your baby sister multiple times with a nerf gun.
Playing with his sister...
BoomPa and Ford shooting the BB gun.
Someone will be walking soon!!!!
The boys like to sleep with me and Ford was feeling festive last week so he slept in his Christmas hat!

Lap full of babies....Annie wanted her momma!
She helps me get ready in the mornings.
Have you ever played this game????   If not, I highly "highly" recommend it at your next social gathering.  It's jellybeans.  Ahhh but there's a catch.  You spin the spinner (like in Twister) and it'll land on a specific jellybean.  Let's say it's blue.  Blue could be blueberry or toothpaste.  Brown could be chocolate pudding or dog food.  White could be coconut or baby wipes.  There are several of each color in the box, BUT you don't know if yours is legit or the prank one until you bite into it.  It's soooo fun!!!!   Let's just say that "barf" and "moldy cheese" are bad!!!
Sister is eating more and more table food.  Tonight she had cornbread.
Tomorrow (Tuesday) my sweet Momma will be gone two weeks.  The pain will never go away.  I know it won't.  My head spins when I think I could potentially live 60 more years without her here.  
I prayed one day for a sign from my mom. I was sure it would be a rabbit outside somewhere since mom loved rabbits.  
A few days later I was feeding Annie in her room.  It was an overcast day.  The room lightened up and this appeared in the closet door.  
To me it looks like a partial cross.  I stared at it a few seconds and then grabbed my phone to take a picture.  Less than a minute later the room was back to this....
Who knows what it was.  But I would like to think it was God's way of telling me hello from mom!

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...