Friday, December 4, 2015

All aboard the Polar Express

Have you ever wanted to go to The North Pole?   Did you wonder where Santa and his little elf friends lived?  Well, tonight the Lamar party of 5 took a magical ride on The Polar Express straight to the N.P. and back within an hour.  It’s called a quick trip!

Christmas is magical.  I can remember, as a child, being “a buncha big excited” (as Bitty would say) during the holidays and especially on Christmas Eve.  I think that excitement has grown now that I am an adult, and I get to witness firsthand the excitement through my children’s eyes.  We have one of those blasted Elf on the Shelf little creatures.  Sometimes he forgets to move and it about sends my boys, especially Ford, into a near panic/shock.  But last night he left them a note….
Might I add that this note made the little boys in my house soooo excited.  Ford quickly wrote a note back to Elfie, and Bitty said: "I'm gigantic excited."  "I'm as big as Jesus excited."  And last but not least he told me I couldn't ride on the Polar Express with them because my booty was too big for the seats!  So there you have it people... he's getting switches and ashes for Christmas.  He moved right to the naughty list.
The Lamar men headed to the train...
 His golden ticket
And his
 Daddy kept saying she was fat all night long.  I would prefer to say "big boned"!!!!
 That middle child... there are no words
 The tickets were fascinating.
 And in true Annie fashion she needed to taste them.
 And Elf
 The conductor
 Bitty did pull-ups all night
 I brought a copy of their Christmas lists for Santa.
 Upside down
 Another elf
 I think she wanted to taste his beard.
 They got a bell from a reindeer.
 Our trip to the North Pole was a success!!!!!

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

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