Thursday, November 5, 2015


Well.... somehow my first born is already halfway through his sixth year. How he turned 6.5 years old I'll never know??  I've noticed lots of changes in him this year. You know, showing me he's really growing up.

For starters, he began kindergarten (that would be real deal everyday school til the afternoon), and he's reading.  Something about learning to read takes things to a whole new level!!!!  
Secondly, I don't see him playing with toys like he use to.  He's more into tv, and if he's navigating the remote it goes to a football game (more on that later).  Instead of a truck or action figure he's more prone to have a ball in his hand, preferably a football.  It's really quite sad that playing on the floor isn't his thing anymore.  

And the last way I can see my baby growing up is that he's acting more like a turd (I searched for the right word and this was it) than before.  He's harder to deal with, acts more like a punk, and seems too cool for certain things.

Here's some Q and A from this morning. 

Favorite color:  green, blue, and red
Favorite number: a zillion
Favorite snack: goldfish
Favorite food: bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit
Best friends: Langston, Hayes, and Leland
Favorite game: football
Favorite thing to watch on tv: Ole Miss football and Curiuos George 
What makes you happy: my birthday
What makes you sad: when we didn't have Annie
Favorite animal: Delta
Favorite candy: Sweet-Tarts
Where is somewhere you've never been and really want to go: Rebel Rags
Who do you want to see: Clara Clark Cannon
What do you want to be when you grow up: football player. 
Favorite sport: football
Favorite place to go: Ole Miss football games
Favorite holiday: Christmas 
So if you couldn't tell by the little Q and A up there, Ford is very passionate about football...especially Ole Miss football.  Ever since he was about 2 years old he finds things he's fixated on.  First it was tractors, then all things space and rocket, now it's sports...preferably football. 

Ford is VERY competitive.  I honestly can't stress this enough.  It is a problem. Life is like a big competition to Ford, and he thinks he needs to be the best and win.  I can only see this becoming worse with age.  
Ford is very tender hearted.  He truly cares about others.  He's a good helper with his brother and sister.   And he's still a big momma's boy!

Weight: 43 lbs. 
Height: 46" - 3 feet 10 inches
Clothes size: shirts 6, shorts size 3-5 (varies) and long pants size 6 for the length 
Shoe size: 12
May 1, 2009 - November 1, 2015 = 6.5 years

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