Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Fall break, ear infections, and pumpkins

I have several blogs to catch up on, therefore this one is random with lots of pictures...

Just a strolling
Ford has made a behavior system for our house that mimics the one he has in his classroom at school.  He is constantly moving John Brantley's clip to a bad color.  This gets Bitty all upset.
Just a cruising
Monday of fall break we went to an indoor trampoline place called Sky Zone with our church. 
Tuesday morning Annie woke up exceptionally cranky.  I knew.  This isn't my first rodeo.  The signs were there.  It was her ears.  I called the pediatrician and made an appointment. 
Double ear infection.
It was chilly in that place. 
An hour and twenty minutes is a long time to contain three kids.
After the doctor we headed to the zoo to continue the fall break celebrations...
Miss Jessica and Isaac Joined
Double ear infection but sweet as sugar
I like seasonal activities.  I like to carry these activities out into traditions if they go well.  This was fun, but it didn't go well. 
Before it was cooked
They tough
Bitty and I play trucks and build farms on his days off. 
Ford singing in the choir. (He's in between the pink headband and guy in the pink shirt). 
I finished her quilt!!!!!
Ear infections.  Babies need cuddle time. 
This is how we roll...
So the precious Keds we got for Annie were a no go.  Her foot is just too butter ballish.  Good thing we kept the Bubbas' tennis shoes.  Yeah they might look like boats, but she's working it!
No way I'm napping, Momma!
We decorated pumpkins....

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...