Wednesday, September 16, 2015

No More Monkeys Jumping on the Bed

I remember as a child telling my mom "I'm bored".  I'm sure I said it plenty.  I was in need of some action, entertainment, something to occupy my time.  Looking back on those vivid memories of being bored....I wish I felt that way sometimes.  

Weeks, days, hours, minutes.... They all vary around here.  Rarely, very rarely is it ever quiet and calm.  I have three spirited and active kids.  Things stay hopping.  And by hopping sometimes that can be off the bed.  

Monday Puddin called and wanted to bring a friend to see the house.  I told them to come on.  I forewarned them it was messy and we do live here!!!   When they headed upstairs John Brantley joined them.  Apparently he was doing some tricks, one of which was jumping off of his bed.  

He started crying.  Puddin thought he was mad because she didn't make a big enough deal about his jump.  He's 3.  He has tantrums.  I told her to leave him because you can't reason with the child when he's like that.  Thirty minutes later there was no sign of him.  I went to his room and...
Sound asleep!
So all of this went down on Monday around 4:30.  He was cranky and said his foot hurt a few times.  Tuesday he was not pleasant, complained of his foot hurting, and walked with it turned to the side. After his nap (an unusual thing these days) he kept saying it hurt so I decided to take him to an orthopedic doctor at Campbell Clinic.

En route....
I had to get Ford from choir, call the babysitter, feed Annie, bathe JB (figured it would be a long night, and do a few odds and ends type things before we set off at 5:00. 
The Representative decided he needed to go too.  He talked on the phone (work related) the entire 30 minute drive.  When we got to the after hours clinic he "decided" it would take a while so he dropped us off.  I signed in at 5:40 and he was "supposed to" go get us some supper.  He returns back at 6:25.  The boy always gets off the beaten path.  He had already eaten and tried to get a haircut too.  There are no words!
Meanwhile Bitty is like a bouncing ball of crazy energy.  He was loud, but what's new? He was all over the place as we waited over an hour. 
Jumping out of chairs
Finally he went in for his x-rays
Then more waiting.  Waiting can be so hard. 
Sooooo hard 
The doctor came in and did little activities with him.  It was determined that he's got a stress fracture.  She explained that little kids' feet are made mostly of cartilage and it's hard to see a broken bone in an x-ray. Since he was favoring that foot more she suggested a walking cast or a boot.  We opted for the boot.
Waiting on the boot.  We mastered the waiting game.
Smallest boot I've ever seen. 
He walks all wibbly wobbly.
And there you have it people.  Bitty and the boot.
Our lesson from all this???..... No jumping on or off the bed!  That won't keep him from finding other fun things to do.  We all remember the purple bead up the nose two weeks ago.  Enough said! 


Just Surviving said...

He sure seems to keep y'all on your toes at all times!

Matt Voges said...

Jump house can make your party or event planning a little less stressful. At you kids birthday party Watch your kids face light up on the day of their special event. Jump house are a perfect way to make children feel special, when it is for their special day. There is something about a bounce house that kids love so much. Only if we were a kid again!

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...