Yep… It happens about the same time every year. Ready or NOT here it comes… the new school
year! When school ended in May it was a
dark time for most moms. You’re like, “What
do I do now?” Then summer just chugged
right on by and I promise it was over before I knew it.
Trey and I literally got home on Thursday afternoon at 4:45
and by 6:00 we were at the boys’ school for Meet the Teacher. Yes, the boys. As in plural.
As in we have TWO kids in school now.
Ford is super pumped to be in Mrs. Allison's room!!!! We love her. She was our neighbor when we lived in the rental house, and our kiddos played together. So yay!!!!!
And "The Bit" got Mrs. Laura who is also on the love list. She was Ford's 3K teacher, and we were thrilled to experience another year with her.Meet the teacher was a success and they appeared ready!

I put some pens and paperclips in a baggie for their teachers.
Bit loves purple so we went with a purple baggie.
So we hold Ford back and let him repeat 3K for maturity purposes on down the road, but somehow the time flew by and he still managed to make it to regular kindergarten. In regular I mean... the real deal, all day, eat lunch there, don't pick up until 2:30. Oh my gosh it's real!
Ford is an unusual child. He is very smart and can remember things you'd think a child would forget. He is a deep thinker and will challenge us with his questions. Being around other young people he seems to stand out on his level of maturity. He is very conscientious of the rules. He is terrified to get in trouble. He's my rule follower.
Then there's John Brantley. This child is a perfect example of "stubborn as a mule" and a "precious sweetheart". I love this child with all my being, but he can really get my blood pressure up.
He was nervous about school. He was going to a new location that wasn't as familiar as he'd like.
I know for a fact that he acts better for other people than he does for me, so this gives me hope. You can't compare children. He is our Bit Bit and will probably not care too much about the rules like his big brother!
I tell them to take a picture and I get this...
Yeah, so we get to school early Friday morning and John Brantley keeps digging in his nose. No one likes a nose pickers. It's just nasty. I told him to quit. I checked his nose. I saw nothing. He continued to pick at his right nostril. Needless to say, he ended up mad and crying over the booger he thought was in his nose that no one could see!
Here he's mad because I kept correcting the nose picking, and he wouldn't smile with his assistant teacher, Mrs. Kristy.
Bit and Mrs. Laura
Ford with Mrs. Tammy and Mrs. Allison
I pray that this school year is special, memorable, fun, and everything it could possibly be and more. We love our school and so far they're off to a wonderful start.
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