Sunday, May 10, 2015

Get your party on

It's that time of year again, every teacher's light at the end of the tunnel and every mom's saddest day.  It's the end of the school year.  As a teacher, I always had mixed emotions about the conclusion to the year.  I felt like the students were my children, after all we had spent almost 10 months together and were a well oiled machine.  We had learned lots about one another, moved mountains, and tackled a tough curriculum.  Honestly, some kids I was sad to see go, and others I knew I'd see again on America's Most Wanted!  I do not lie about such.... Truth!  Now as a stay at home mom I have different emotions, and yes, they are mixed too!!!  I'm sad that a routine is about to be broken but glad that I won't feel rushed out the door every morning.  I thrive on a routine and the next few months are going to be like a fruit basket turn over. 

On Thursday, Mini Mag (the name of the 3-5K at Ford's school) had their big end of the year party.  There was all kinds of good stuff to do. 

Free play ... Ford, Caroline and Ella Grace
Turtle races
Petting zoo
Train ride 
Snack time 
Pony rides 
More petting
Face painting
I think I failed to take pictures of the bouncy house.  But the kiddos had a fabulously sweaty day, made great memories, and wore themselves out!!!!
We certainly can't forget about these two babies of mine!!!!

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...