Let's start at last Sunday. I saw my dog, Delta, that morning about 10:15 and then she never surfaced again. Trey left to go to Jackson that afternoon and that night Delta still hadn't come home. I was concerned and voiced it to him. During the night it stormed and I went to look outside for Delta, but she was not there. Monday morning I woke up feeling crappy, (NO, I'm NOT pregnant.... Yes, people have asked), and I text two neighbors to ask if they had seen my Beagle. Within 20 minutes one of the mother's of the people I text messaged called. She had run over Delta on Sunday and didn't know whose dog it was. I. Was. Crushed!!!!!!!! This is/was my only dog I've ever had. Trey and I got her the weekend of Hurricane Katrina, right after we got married. Delta, the sweetest dog God ever made, was almost 10 years old. I called Trey to tell him. He came home that afternoon to bury her and help me tell Ford. It was an awful day.
Monday night I got the stomach bug which lasted until Thursday. Wednesday my car died and had to be towed and over $300.00 later I got it back. And Thursday Ford got the funk too! I mean... what a week. BUT, a good thing to report is: The Legislative Session Is OVER!!!!!!!!!
Welcome home, Daddy!!!!! Despite the yelling kiddos, we are all pretty excited!!! It was about 7:00 and Annie was tired and hungry. Bitty was ticked because he had fallen asleep in the car and we woke him up. That's life!!!
During my crappy week, a friend brought me some flowers to cheer me up. She said it was that or Pepto!!!!
Since it's turkey bird season, Fancy must become one with nature and go on a little hunt. No, both birds aren't his. One of mine.... SYKE.... His buddy went and killed a bird too.
This sweetums slept 8 straight hours last night. Can we say, GO ANNIE!!!!!!!
Crying or not, she's precious!
And she's started smiling and has a cute little personality. She cries if: She's hungry and you better watch out. You can hear her roar miles away, if she needs to burp, get a clean diaper, or go to sleep.
Amy, who works with Trey, kept Annie yesterday so we could go to a funeral. SHE TOOK A BOTTLE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I tried a new kind, Dr. Brown's, and she sucked it down. YAY!!!!!
It just doesn't get much cooler than The Bit!!!! He's 100% hysterical. The best part is, he doesn't know he's funny. He keeps me on my toes all day. He is a big Momma's boy. He tells me some sweet things during the day: 1. I wub (love) you Momma. 2. You wook (look) pretty. 3. I need you Momma.
All of my boys looking out the window at the ducks on the lake.
Along with the stomach bug misery, I had to miss all of my kids' Easter egg hunts and parties at school. It hurt. I wanted sooooo badly to be there with them, create memories, watch the having a great time, and taking pictures. Since I was on my death bed, I sent a sweet baby sitter and she took some pictures of my boys. Ford had a blast!!!! He asked me when he got home why everyone had on their green class shirt and he had on his purple class shirt. Oooops!!!!!!!! I felt so bad I told him to wear his from last year!!!
I missed John Brantley's too. I was glad we had a pep talk about egg hunting and he understood. I would have been sad if he didn't get an canny (candy)!!!
Annie had to attend his too with Samantha, super-sitter. I was DYING!!!!
Thursday night, our church had an egg hunt which I couldn't attend since I was still under the weather, and by this point Ford was sick too. So, Pops came to the rescue and took Bitty to the church hunt himself....
Here he is playing a game called don't let anyone steal your balloon. My friend sent this picture. She said he never moved!!!!!
Bitty and Pops checking out the stash!
I think it goes without saying that John Brantley enjoyed himself. A special thanks to Samantha for risking her health twice this week to keep my kids, and to Pops for taking Bit Bit to the church hunt.
There's much more to blog about, but I am out of time. We still don't have internet at our house and I am using Trey's office computer again. I will leave you with this.... I went to Wal-Mart early and was gone 45 minutes. During that time I was called three times and text messaged twice by my husband begging me to come home to a crying baby!
1 comment:
So sorry to hear about Delta!
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