Friday, April 10, 2015

A law abiding citizen

Whew is all I can say!!!!  Knock on wood, I seriously just knocked, this week has been MUCH better than last week.  On Friday of last week I was literally scared to wake up.  I didn't know what was in store for me as far as more issues headed my way.  We are all well and luckily, no one else has gotten sick, and I pray it stays that way.
Yesterday I went to the doctor for my 6 weeks post-op check up after having Annie.  The boys went to school and Little Miss came with me.  She was so well behaved.  She slept the entire ride to Memphis, during my appointment, and all the way until we got to our shopping destination.  I was so proud of her.  I checked out good.  I have lost 28 of the 35 pounds I gained while preggo.  I honestly expected to have lost more than that since I was sick as a dawg last week, but I didn't.  The last little bit is always hard to get off and I guess I should stop eating so much.  But people are still so kind and bringing us food, and I must sample it all!!!!  I am also pleased to announce that The Beast (my hernia) is gone.  I have been meaning to say this, but it slips my mind.  It pretty much went away right after I had Annie.  All my swelling is gone too.  I'm back to the Old Jill!!!!
My oldest babies before school today....
Prissy and I played dress up after her morning bath today.  I was really excited about my idea, but she didn't share the same feelings that I did.  My parents gave Annie that sweet little pearl bracelet and a family friend gave her the diaper cover.  She was accessorized and looking good, but she wanted NO part of my photo shoot.
Annie will be 7 weeks old on Monday.  She is so sweet and by far my easiest baby yet.  Last night she did not, but the 4 nights before last night she slept through the night!!!!  It was ahhhhmazing.  She grins a lot and it's pure sweetness and melts this momma's heart.  She is quirky though.  If I'm feeding her and she needs to burp she immediately stops eats and cries.  Once she feels better we can carry on.  She also cannot ruin her britches and eat at the same time either.  Multi-tasking isn't her specialty.  If this is the case, she again stops eating to do her business. 
She is spoiled.  She likes to be held.  I hold her.  I kiss her.  We chat about things.  I tell her I love her and she's a pretty baby about 50 times a day!!!!  Fortunately, she has learned to "self-soothe" herself at an early age, unlike her brothers.  Sometimes I cannot meet the demands of 3 kids at once.  I'm good, but not always that good.  Annie is left to cry herself to sleep on occasion, which is good for her.  I need a good sleeper.
John Brantley didn't talk until he was about 2 years and 5 months old, but Lord have mercy the child does some talking now.  He is making up for lost time!!!  He has a funny little vocabulary and pronunciation for words.  I want to remember some of them...
Garbage can- gar gar can             If something is easy he says- easy peasy
He is obsessed with puzzles.  Ford was at this age too.  Good thing we have a large Dollar Tree selection at our house to keep him entertained.
He LOVES cinnamon rolls.  You know the kind in the can with the icing.  He requests these every single day.  I am not even lying.  He calls the icing in the can- icy.  He requires lots of icy.
Mr. Big Stuff here likes my hot pink lip gloss.  Can you blame him???  It goes with any outfit!!!!

Do you see all the mud and dirt????  That's what happens when you build a house and have no grass.  I am pleased to announce that since this picture we have gotten some sod, but on this particular day we didn't have a stitch of grass.  The boys got all kinds of muddy and dirtied up the driveway.  Daddy came home and was M-A-D at the momma.  I spent almost 45 minutes blowing the driveway off.  Gosh Daddy,... boys love mud!
There's Ford's climbing tree in the background....
We took Ford to choir the other day.  It was beautiful outside and I didn't feel like driving home for an hour so we went to the park.  Bit brought his mower and did a little community service that day!
Slick likes to obey the law.  Me too for that matter.  He likes to look at speed limit signs and then amazingly, he can see my speedometer and tell if I'm being a law abiding citizen or not.  The other day we were on a road that was 30 mph.  I was going 50 mph.  Yeah... oops!!!  Well, slick (my kid in 4K) says, "Momma, you're going 50 and it says 30.  You're speeding.  You're going 20 mph too fast."
  Since when can he do math like that in his head?????  Definitely didn't get that from me!
Yes, he's still obsessed.  He kisses and messes with her entirely too much.
I have decided with three kids I need to simplfy my life.  I make the boys sleep together for several reasons, one of which that is one less set of sheets to change each week.  And we often times only use one bathroom in our house.  I can throw them in my shower just as easy as a bathtub.  Can I get an Amen!!!  It's hard to clean and mother three kids all at once.  This summer they might live in their undies...less laundry.

1 comment:

Felicia said...

Seven weeks old? I can't believe time is flying by too fast... I'm going to need more frequent posting of this little nugget- since I may never have a girl to ooh and ahh over.

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

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