Saturday, March 21, 2015

Breaking out....freedom

I have escaped.  I'm on the outside right now,....alone.  Freedom is a lovely thing and it's something that I don't see often.  No, I haven't been locked up and I escaped from jail.  Rather, I have escaped my house....alone!!!  I rode in the car by myself.  No one talked to me.  There was no crying.  No noise.  Just the sound of the radio and my car driving away.  I have escaped to Trey's office to blog.  How therapeutic is this!!!!
My time here is limited on this blog post because Fancy instructed that I not be gone long.  I told him I needed 3.5 hours like he had this morning at his office.  He gave me the hairy eyeball.  Nonetheless, I needed to update y'all on my life.  We are all still alive, the house isn't completely done, and Annie will be 1 month old on Monday!!!!

My helpers!!!!  They are taking the dirty diapers to the outside trash.  Miss Priss probably goes through 14 diapers a day.   I am not even lying... and 12 are dirty.
Annie really isn't into being swaddled.  I swaddled my boys for almost 4 months.  This chick is not a fan.  She is like Houdini.  She manages to free her arms every time.   She is waking up twice a night.... about 1:30 and 4:30.  Those 4:30 feedings usually end her with her going back to sleep and me beginning my day.  To say that I am tired would be an understatement.
She won't take a bottle.  Now we have only tried once.  My parents stayed one night last week and mom, Gran, attempted the feeding.  Needless to say, she didn't get it.  She was majorly confused.  We must master this bottle deal.
She's still in newborn diapers, but I am thinking after this box is gone we will graduate to size 1.  She likes a bath more now.  She's not a fan of the head washing part though.  Honestly, she hates for anyone to mess with her head.  Period!

All good things come to an end, right?  Well, Annie sleeping 90% of the day and being calm and laid back went out the door.  And fast!!!  I wasn't blindsided, I knew it was colic time.  My boys both had stomach issues which lasted about a month or two and now Annie has caught on to this act too.  I went straight to Walgreens and bought our good friend, Colic Calm.  And I have since changed my diet.  Nothing spicy or greasy or acidic.  
Can you tell she has brothers??????  This was definitely one of Ford's pacis.  Bitty had nothing to do with such!
So we have wooden stairs in our house.   I have been a little worried/paranoid about the boys coming down the stairs for fear of falling.  Who knew you had to worry about them going UP the stairs too.  Yelp.... Stairs-1... Bitty-0.  Bitty was sock footed, slipped, and crashed head first into a step.  Fortunately, he's tough and only cried about 2 minutes.  Nothing some Ibuprofen and Gatorade can't fix.
This kid loves to go places.   If I have errands he's my right hand man and WILL be in tow.  He isn't going to miss an outing.  The other day he and I went to Walgreens and Wal-Mart.  Upon leaving Walgreens we passed another mother coming into the store with a child comparable in age to JB.  However, this child was ONLY dressed in a diaper.  John Brantley stared and then as loud as he could said, "Momma, why that boy nakey (naked)?"  I hurried him out of the store all the while wondering the same thing myself.  I told him he probably spilled something on his clothes!!!
Next stop was Wal-Mart.  While in the beauty and personal care section we see a girl in a t-shirt and pajama pants.  Again, as loud as he could he says, "Momma, why her in her jommies?  You no wear jommies (pajamas) to Mart!"   All I could do was say "Sshhhhhhhhh!"
I was paying some bills the other day and Bitty was all up in my business.  After I finished and stuffed the envelope I licked it to seal it closed.  All the while, he is watching and then comes the comment, "You not posed (supposed) to eat paper, Momma!"

There is NO privacy in my house.  If you come to visit and stay the night please note that you will be barged in on at any time.  When I do anything I have an audience, including nursing Annie.  Right after she arrived John Brantley came to investigate what I was doing.  He stared and stared at her eating and then says, "What's her doing?"   I responded, "She's eating."  He thought for a minute and came back with, "Dere's (There's) not milk in dere (there)."
The next day he comes back and sees me feeding again.  He stares and then says, "You gots more???"
There other day they had Pirates and Princesses Day at school.  I am all about dressing up and if you're going to do it.... do it right!  Amen!!??!!???
This dude is obsessed with weighing himself.  He knows you must weigh 40 pounds (MS law) to ride in a booster seat.  He is constantly fluctuating between 39 and 41 pounds.  He weighs himself numerous times a day.
He is also into the weather.  He grabs my phone any chance he can get to see what our weather looks like, along with Jackson, NYC, and Cupertino.  He always wants me to guess the temp and then ask me where I would rather be at the time.
NO ONE wants to hold and love on this baby more than Ford Lamar.  No one.  He takes being a big brother very serious.  Please note that he prayed and prayed and PRAYED for a baby sister for at least a year before I ever got pregnant.  Send your prayer requests his way... God listens apparently!!!!
New house.  Yep.... we built one.  Critters inside.  Absolutely!  Yep... we have now caught THREE baby flying squirrels in our attic.  This was the first one we caught.  The boys were super excited to release it one morning before school.  And Delta, our dog, was super excited to chase the poor thing.
BIG congrats to Representative Daddy!!!!  He was unopposed again and will be back in Jackson as the Representative for District 8 for four more years.  God be with me!
Sister and I do a lot of rocking and snuggling.  She absolutely knows who her momma is, and I can calm her down.  
The boys sleep together, otherwise John Brantley ends up in my bed.  This night I put them all in the bed together for a picture.  Notice Ford.... he's all about Annie.
God is good.  I have three beautifully healthy children that brighten my day!

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...