Friday, December 26, 2014

The Eve

Christmas is my favorite holiday.  It really is.  There is so much hype, décor, music, food, people, and festivities that it really gets my motor running.   I tried not to overdo it, or run myself ragged, and I believe I succeeded.  Christmas 2014 was lovely.

Christmas Eve was busy, busy.  We started the day off at my parents’ house for presents, food, and playing.  Of course, my dad, BoomPa, isn't your normal character.  He needed to dress the part of the big day!
 Ford needed to try it on for size.
 Bit found the barbies the girls like to play with!!!
 Present time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Ahhhh BoomPa got a karaoke machine!!
 Turtle Power!
 Molly Cate and Aunt Ashley
 The kids and their Christmas cookies....
Molly Cate
 BoomPa and his baby girl
 Fancy just loves taking a picture!!!
 Ford and Aunt Ashley
 Like these beauts???  Gran let me borrow since my tootsies were cold!!!
 Isn't Uncle Ken so much fun???  He threw all 5 kids in the air...

 Molly Cate
 Flying Squirrel.... I mean Ford
 The Anthony crew
 Gran and Boom with my boys
 The Lamar crew + the cool house shoes!!!
 Trey was a bit jealous of Molly Cate's new boots!
 There has been M-U-C-H discussion the past few months about Cake’s name.  I was ready to strangle Fancy for lack of participation.  He seemed to be more focused on building our house than naming our child.  Finally, on Christmas Eve she got a name.  The name was actually changed 5 minutes before we decided that was “it” and we told the family.  Cake will be….

Sarah Suzanne Lamar “Annie”

Sarah is Pop’s (Trey’s dad) mom’s name.  Suzanne is my mom’s name and my middle name, and Annie is a nice mix of the ending of SuzANNE and Puddin’s (Trey’s mom) name, Ann.  I wasn't for another double name at all.  Poor John Brantley… he doesn't even know his name!!!  And plus, one name is much easier than a double.  So Annie it is!!!

When we got ready to “reveal" her name to “my people” I said, “Now don’t make a face because this is it and we aren’t changing it and don’t want opinions.  These are the faces they made….

 Puzzle time with Gran
 Christmas Eve night was a sweet service at our church followed by some snacks at Puddin and Pops’ house.  Mrs. Barbara gave the boys some coonskin hats.
 When we finally made it home it was time to sprinkle reindeer food…
 And rip the final Christmas chain off the wall....
I sure hope my Christmas post will have 49 pictures (like this one did) or more!!!  I only took 217 the last two days.  No biggie...

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...