Wednesday, December 24, 2014

An early appearance of "The Crazy"

I take my sleep and rest very seriously.  Ever since Trey and I married and I was teaching I had a strict 9:00 bedtime.  Now that we have kids I go to bed at various times, but never late.  I can’t hang.   Last Friday I had “the crud”.  You know the itchy-watery eyes, sneezing, runny nose, and headache kind of junk.  I took Benadryl and hopped in my bed with the boys to watch some George.  That was short lived.  Then Puddin invited the boys to spend the night.  There was NO hesitation.  We packed a quick bag and hopped in the car.

So I will have you know that last Friday night I got in the bed at 6:30 and didn't get out for 14 hours!!!!!!!!!!   No, I didn't sleep that entire time, but I was sure laid up in my bed for a good long while!
Kleenex is a delicacy!!!  I only buy toilet paper because I'm cheap!!!!

Saturday was a big and busy day!  We started off with Trey hunting followed by: The Peabody to see the ducks, The Rendezvous for some grub, The Children’s Museum for a birthday party, and lastly, furniture shopping. 

Several posts ago I blogged about “The Crazy” hitting.  Well, I am pleased to announce it made a sneak peak already this week.  Ohhhhhhh the joys of hormones.  It all started last Wednesday or Thursday I believe.  Trey told me that the builders told him there was no way we would be in our new house at the end of January.  Under “normal” circumstances I would NOT care.  But there really isn't much normal about our lives right now.  I had plans to be moved and settled before Cake’s arrival.  Wishful thinking.  Now, I did not cry.  I wanted to cry, but convinced myself that it would do NO good!!!

Then Saturday after our big adventurous day I was hurting.  I was hurting bad.  My back was killing me.  My right butt cheek on down my leg was throbbing because the baby was on a nerve.  I sucked it up all day and that night I couldn't any longer.  I cried.  I was lying in Bitty’s bed when “The Crazy” hit.  Apparently, he hasn't seen me cry.  He saw a tear and asked, “What’s dat?”  I told him I was crying.  He wiped my tear away and said, “I wub you Momma!!”  Sweet Sweet child!!!

After he was asleep I hopped in the shower and Trey came to check on me.  I told him I would be out in a minute.  I just explained that I was uncomfortable and hurting.  After he hugged me a minute he asked me to please stop crying because it made him uncomfortable!!!!!!!  My compassionate man.  I honestly think I have only cried like 5 times all year… he gets off easy.  He didn't marry an emotional girl until “The Crazy” hits!!!

Before church last week....

Trey has been chomping at the bit to stay at the farm.  No, no, not just him…. All 4.5 of us.  I agreed that we could go on Sunday.  And while there is chomping, Ford has been BEGGING to go hunting.  For some strange reason Fancy won’t take him by himself, yet he needs me to go too.  I decided that we would make it a family affair and take Bit-Bit too.

Pregnancy Update:

This is week 30 of me being pregnant with Name-less Lamar.  I am pleased to announce that she is VERY close to having an official name.  I went to the doctor today for my regular check-up and all was well.  I gained 2 pounds since last visit which puts me at 22 pounds total.  That’s okay because at this point with John Brantley I had gained 10 pounds more.  I’m pretty sure that’s because I would eat TWO lunches.  Yep!  I was teaching and would bring my lunch and buy my lunch!!!  You gotta figure out how to make it thru the day, right!!!!

I told the doctor I was concerned about my swelling and blamed it on my hernia (aka THE BEAST).  He (I normally see a she, but she was busy or something so I saw a he) assured me that the beast wasn't the cause, yet it was gravity and all the pressure.  I was also relieved to know that I won’t go into preterm labor, get a blood clot, and this swelling issue isn't hurting my girl!  Whew!!!!!

I’m due on February 28.  Since I am going to have a C-section they will schedule my delivery, if I make it that far.  With that being said, the baby will be here BY or BEFORE February 21.  I have 4 words:  HOLY MOTHER OF PEARL!!!!!!!!!  I then told the “He” (the dr) that I have never made it past 38 weeks, and he told me there is a good chance my water could break again before February 21.  My thoughts weren't lovely.   Then my question was: Sir… I live 1 hour away from the hospital.  My husband could very well be in Jackson which is 3 hours away from the hospital if my water breaks in the middle of the night.  Could we wait on him?  “He” responded with, “No.  Not if you’re having contractions.”  Yep, I felt “The Crazy” coming on and I wanted to cry right there to him, but I refrained. 

So here is my prayer request:  Please pray that I can make it until February 21, OR that if she decides to come early that Representative Lamar will be home!

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

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