Thursday, November 27, 2014

Ford and John Brantley's Thankful Lists

2014 Thankful Lists

Ford’s Thankful List:

1.  The Cardinals
2.  Momma
3.  Sky and clouds
4.  Outer space 
5.  Gran and Boom
6.  Daddy
7.  The dirt and worms
8.  School
9.  The leaves and Bitty
10.  Jesus
11.  Jesus dying on the cross
12.  Puddin and Pops
13.  Grandmother and Granddaddy
14.  Cousins
15.  Church
16.  Family
17.  God
18.  The sun 
19.  The ocean
20.  Friends
21.  Heaven
22.  The pool
23.  The world
24.  Bobba
25.  Caroline, Mary Brooks, Mrs. Allison, and Mr. Briley
26.  Anna Katherine and Mrs. Jennifer
27.  TV

***See Ford's thankful lists from: 2013 and 2012

John Brantley's Thankful List:

1.  Sis
2.  Momma and Daddy
3.  Big tractor- Daddy's tractor
4.  Gran and Boom
5.  Fordy
6.  Toys
7.  Uncle Ken
8.  Puh and Pops
9.  Bush-hog, disc, 4-wheelers
10.  Farm
11.  Candy
12.  Aunt Ashley (Ash)
13.  Cake to eat
14.  Delta
15.  Swimming pool
16.  Molly Cate, Caroline, and Jack
17.  Tractor show (John Deere dvd)
18.  Beach
19.  Big trucks
20.  Food
21.  Gigi (Jesus)
22.  Bobba
23.  Teachers
24.  Trees
25.  Worms
26.  Sidney Kate
27.  Coke

I can honestly say that 2014 has been a really great year for my family and me.  Besides the usual things I could go on and on about being thankful for, I am thankful for two things that I couldn't be thankful for last year.  First, I am thrilled that my mother has been healed from her cancer.  Will the doctors say she is healed, noway.  But The Lord does mighty works everyday, and her last two scans have shown absolutely NO cancer in her body.  She is such a fighter and I know she has a long life ahead of her.  And secondly, we are thrilled that despite our plans, The Lord had other plans, and we are growing our family by one in February.  Our baby girl is already so loved and keeps me on my toes daily.  She has changed things in our lives already and we are excited to hold and love on her in 2.5 months.

Happy Thanksgiving to all!!!!  Count your blessings and thank the Lord for what he has done!!!!

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