Monday, October 27, 2014

Round 1 and Round 2 to Cedar Hill Farm

I had the distinct honor of going on not one but two field trips last week.  Ironically, (sarcasm for those who live around here) they were both to Cedar Hill Farm. 

 On Tuesday I got to go with Ford’s school.  It started off rather chilly, but ended up being a gorgeous day.  This wasn't his first rodeo.  I would say he has been 7 or 8 times.  He knew the drill.

Feeding the animals….
 For Ford’s sake, I hope he grows taller than the girls one day.  I just don’t have very big kids.
 Pony ride...
 Train ride...
 I could have easily taken Bitty on the field trip with us, but I figured we needed some special one on one Ford and Momma time.  It was a sweet day!
 Cooper and Ford
 On the hayride to the pumpkin patch…
 Each child got to pick one pie sized pumpkin.  And here she is…
 Mrs. Beverly's 4K class
 What a great day with my Fordman!!!
The very next day it was time for Round 2 of Cedar Hill fun.  Now it was Bitty’s turn.  Ford was super jealous and kept asking if he could miss school and come with us.  I told him no because he had his special day already.  John Brantley’s field trip day was a bit chillier than Ford’s though.
 Feeding the animals...
 I think John Brantley might have little man syndrome.  He is the smallest child in his class, yet he demanded to ride the biggest pony out there!!!
 Waiting on the train...
 Train ride...
 "I tough, momma!!!"
 Riding the hayride to the pumpkin patch...
 He quickly decided which pie pumpkin he wanted...
 Suzy and John Brantley stopping for a snack.
 You can't leave Cedar Hill without driving the antique red tractor.
 So thankful to be able to spend two special days with my favorite little men.

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...