Thursday, August 28, 2014

Artist of the Week

My blogging hasn't been up to par lately, and I am aware of this.  Sleep has been much more important, but we will save that for the pregnancy update section.

In Bigger news…. Ford is the Magnolia Heights Elementary Artist of the Week!!!!  The best part is, he didn't know!!!  I was tagged by the art teacher on Facebook that announced his honor.  He didn't take after his mom, because I am NOT artistic in the slightest.  
 I asked him to go take pictures with me the other day.  Can you tell that he wasn't wanting to cooperate????
 Yesterday after school we headed to Oxford to a new place we've never visited called “Pirates Adventure”.  This place was great.  It was full of bouncy houses, arcade games, and riding toys.  And the best part was, I was free and so was Bitty.  I like free.  Free stuff gets me all excited!!!  When I got John Brantley out of bed yesterday morning his first word was, “JUMP”.  He was ready.  Unfortunately, we had to wait until Ford was out of school to go.
 They had huge popsicles too!!!
 Trey challenged my dad to go the Ice Bucket Challenge.  And in true Joe Anthony fashion, he had to be different.  Please note he is in a suit!!!
 On Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays when it’s just me and Bitty in the mornings I have to get creative with our time.  If I want to accomplish anything without him pulling on my pants legs then he needs to paint.  Most kids prefer to paint on paper, but John Brantley is into body art!  This results in an immediate bath afterwards.
 He always needs to “hep” help me cook.
 Ford is beyond thrilled about this baby girl that is coming in February.  He prays and thanks God over and over for her.  It’s precious.  Last week when we found out the baby was a girl he got all excited.  He then announced to me that his sister (aka Cake, Sally, or Three) wouldn't be taking all the shots babies have to get.  I asked why.  He said, “Because I’m going to take them for her.  I don’t want her to hurt.”  This is BIG time people.  B-I-G Time!!!  Ford has refused to go to kindergarten because of the booster shot and now he is willing to take on about 20 shots for baby sister.  That’s love!!!!

This year he is going to school every day.  It’s wearing us both out.   My 5:15 wake-up call is awful.  I just want to sleep longer and it never happens.
 When you ask John Brantley about school you get little info.  I will say, “Did ya’ll paint?”  He says, “No.”  Then I ask if they sang, colored, played outside, read a book, ate a snack, played with toys, etc. and I always get “No”.  Then I say, “Well, what did y’all do at school then?”  He replies, “Fun!”  I guess that’s a typical boy answer and I better be thankful for what I can get!
Pregnancy Update:

The nausea hasn't gone away.  I went to the doctor last Friday and I am still going strong with only a 3 pound weight gain.  But fear not people, I will pack them on sooner than later.  My appetite is quite hearty.  I told my OBGYN that I wasn't feeling 100% and she gave me some new medicine for nausea and its helping.  It’s called Diclegis.  You have to take it at night because it can make you sleepy.  That’s an understatement.  I feel like I've had an entire bottle of Nyquil when I get up for my frequent potty breaks at night.  Trying to get up in the AM at 5:15 is torture.  This pregnancy is exhausting.  I think the exhaustion is worse than the nausea.  Guess who went to bed at 6:45 last night???  Yep, this girl right here!!!

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...