Thursday, August 28, 2014

Artist of the Week

My blogging hasn't been up to par lately, and I am aware of this.  Sleep has been much more important, but we will save that for the pregnancy update section.

In Bigger news…. Ford is the Magnolia Heights Elementary Artist of the Week!!!!  The best part is, he didn't know!!!  I was tagged by the art teacher on Facebook that announced his honor.  He didn't take after his mom, because I am NOT artistic in the slightest.  
 I asked him to go take pictures with me the other day.  Can you tell that he wasn't wanting to cooperate????
 Yesterday after school we headed to Oxford to a new place we've never visited called “Pirates Adventure”.  This place was great.  It was full of bouncy houses, arcade games, and riding toys.  And the best part was, I was free and so was Bitty.  I like free.  Free stuff gets me all excited!!!  When I got John Brantley out of bed yesterday morning his first word was, “JUMP”.  He was ready.  Unfortunately, we had to wait until Ford was out of school to go.
 They had huge popsicles too!!!
 Trey challenged my dad to go the Ice Bucket Challenge.  And in true Joe Anthony fashion, he had to be different.  Please note he is in a suit!!!
 On Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays when it’s just me and Bitty in the mornings I have to get creative with our time.  If I want to accomplish anything without him pulling on my pants legs then he needs to paint.  Most kids prefer to paint on paper, but John Brantley is into body art!  This results in an immediate bath afterwards.
 He always needs to “hep” help me cook.
 Ford is beyond thrilled about this baby girl that is coming in February.  He prays and thanks God over and over for her.  It’s precious.  Last week when we found out the baby was a girl he got all excited.  He then announced to me that his sister (aka Cake, Sally, or Three) wouldn't be taking all the shots babies have to get.  I asked why.  He said, “Because I’m going to take them for her.  I don’t want her to hurt.”  This is BIG time people.  B-I-G Time!!!  Ford has refused to go to kindergarten because of the booster shot and now he is willing to take on about 20 shots for baby sister.  That’s love!!!!

This year he is going to school every day.  It’s wearing us both out.   My 5:15 wake-up call is awful.  I just want to sleep longer and it never happens.
 When you ask John Brantley about school you get little info.  I will say, “Did ya’ll paint?”  He says, “No.”  Then I ask if they sang, colored, played outside, read a book, ate a snack, played with toys, etc. and I always get “No”.  Then I say, “Well, what did y’all do at school then?”  He replies, “Fun!”  I guess that’s a typical boy answer and I better be thankful for what I can get!
Pregnancy Update:

The nausea hasn't gone away.  I went to the doctor last Friday and I am still going strong with only a 3 pound weight gain.  But fear not people, I will pack them on sooner than later.  My appetite is quite hearty.  I told my OBGYN that I wasn't feeling 100% and she gave me some new medicine for nausea and its helping.  It’s called Diclegis.  You have to take it at night because it can make you sleepy.  That’s an understatement.  I feel like I've had an entire bottle of Nyquil when I get up for my frequent potty breaks at night.  Trying to get up in the AM at 5:15 is torture.  This pregnancy is exhausting.  I think the exhaustion is worse than the nausea.  Guess who went to bed at 6:45 last night???  Yep, this girl right here!!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Game Changer

We usually start the blogs off with current life events and I end with a pregnancy update.  Today let’s flip things around and start with Three.  I am 12.5 weeks and still feeling a little blah.  Some days are better than others, but I am still good friends with my Phenergan and Tums are I have become good buddies too.

Twelve days ago I went to the doctor and had a special blood test done.  They took 2 vials of blood from my arm and sent it to a lab to be tested for chromosomal abnormalities.  It’s been a long wait, but the doctor called today and said that all the tests came back negative and we have a healthy baby GIRL on our hands.  Can you even believe I just said G-I-R-L?????????  Me either.  I am still in shock and the poor nurse might be deaf now.

I took a picture the other day, but this outfit honestly makes me look a tad bit bigger.  Call it prideful, but I refuse to wear maternity clothes just yet.  They aren’t my fave.      
 Friday morning about 11:00 Trey called and wanted me to be opened minded about something.  I honestly can’t stand when he wants me to be spontaneous or think outside of the box.  I am not that way.  I don’t think Type A people are.  Anyway, we ended up leaving at 4:30 headed to Memphis for the night to stay at The Madison Hotel.
 We had dinner at 6:00 at Flight and then headed back to the hotel to watch the sunset on the balcony.  I was awake before 6:00 because the sun was blasting in my face.  But that was okay because baby girl was hungry.  We showered, ate, and were home by 9:45 AM.
We have been doing some serious playing outside.  Why do boys like blowers????
 Cheating a little with the 4-wheeler
 The other day we set up a splash pad in the yard.  Bitty wouldn't partake.  I think he was still groggy from his nap.  Ford enjoyed it!
 After I rock John Brantley, (Yes, I am aware this has to stop soon), I go in Ford’s room and check on him.  The other night I found him sleeping sitting straight up against the wall!!!
 Bitty has how own little language.  Here are some of his words….

Orange = arn     juice= duce     Gatorade= gay gay    
Wal-Mart= Mart     Please= pea peas
McDonald’s= don don     Thanks= tanks     trator= trap trap   
hold= hoe hole     monster= mont mont

Both of my boys are obsessed with tape.  Any kind of tape.  They waste more tape creating stuff lately that I should just buy 3 or 4 rolls.  
 Bitty loves to paint.  We had a little art class yesterday.   
 Loaded up…. They said they were headed to the beach.  I wish I were too, boys!   
 What will these two do with a little sister to boss them around????  She sure will be a game changer!   

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

2K here John Brantley comes

After 26 months of being at home with momma, it is now time for John Brantley to start pre-school.  Our church has a 2K-4K program and I signed him up as soon as he was born. 

Last night I packed his little backpack with diapers, wipes, and an extra change of clothes.  
 I laid his clothes out…
 Oh yes, and like any good Jill blog I must back track.  On Sunday, they had meet the teacher.  I already knew which class he would be in since there is only one section of 2K.
 We bounced up in there loaded down with school supplies.
 Bitty loved checking out all of the new toys.
 His cubby
 And finally, today, was the big day.  I think he knew.  He woke up screaming at 5:50 AM.  We cuddled, ate, got dressed, played, and finally I bribed him to take some pictures.
 And then we headed to school at 7:30.
 And he took cookies to his teachers too!!!
 He loves his backpack.
 I could EAT HIM UP!!!!
 Mrs. Linda was waiting for him at the door.  He was pleased to hand her the cookies.
 Sunday at Meet the Teacher... Mrs. Linda
 Sunday at Meet the Teacher... Mrs. Kay
 And all was well UNTIL daddy went and said goodbye.  Then he realized we weren't staying to play toys with him and he lost it!
Fear not.  All was well before we even got to the parking lot.  He painted, played, and sang.  He even found a toy horse and showed his teacher his bottom and said, “poop”!!!  When I picked him up he was running around like a wild man.  He had a big day and was excited to tell me he painted.  He hugged his teachers and said he would come back.  And BOY did that 4 hours pass by quickly.   

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...