Monday, June 16, 2014

383 Pictures: PART 3

Here we go with my third beach 2014 post.  As I sit here and look back at my trip from two weeks ago, I am sad.  I miss the beach.  I am one of the biggest home bodies you’ll ever meet except when it comes to a good ole Destin trip.  (sigh)

My dad is a character.  If you don’t know him, you’re missing out.  He can be extremely serious, or he can put on a show.  He likes to be the center of attention and make others laugh and smile.  He never disappoints!
Then there’s my mom, Gran.  She’s pretty prim and proper.  I guess they balance each other out nicely.
I actually got my man to take a few pictures.  He wasn't impressed with the activities and did a lot of grumbling.
I love these babies!!!
Molly Cate turned 8 while we were at the beach.  I was up all night on June 7th when she was born.  I was so excited about being an aunt.
We went back to The Track for round 2.
Daddy bought the boys suckers with WORMS in them!!!!!!
On Thursday, Gran and BoomPa kept the kiddos so the parents could have a date night.  The Red Bar was the destination choice.  I normally like to eat about 5:30 or 6:00 every night.  I think we ate about 9:30 or 10:00 that night.  The food was superb! 
This is how we found BoomPa when we got home! 
Friday night was a free for all.  We all kind of went our separate ways.  My crew chose an outdoor eatery so we could see the water and then some outlet mall shopping.  I love retail therapy.   
The child ate a cherry.... very shocking.
A few random beach moments!!!!   
Trey did this ALL week long.  Umbrella, chair, phone, and book….   
See.... proof again!   
I LOVE to play out in the ocean and ride the waves.  The bigger the better.  I like to get thrown off my float and squeal as I go under.  This particular day it wasn't too rough so everyone was in the water, EXCEPT Fancy… he was under the umbrella!   
I have the BEST family!!!!!!!   
 We have concluded the Anthony family 2014 beach trip.  As sad as I am to see it end, I am excited about next year and the new memories we will make.  Thank you to my parents for taking all of us each year on such a fun trip.  Eleven people in a house for a week is a lot of humanity, but that’s how we roll.  WE love ya’ll.  Thank you for a great vacation!!!!!!!!! 

1 comment:

Maria said...

I'm so sad this is the last 'Beach Photos' post. :( I've enjoyed all the pics. And definitely, the crazy family photo is the best! Love y'all. Hope to see you soon.

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...