Sunday, May 18, 2014

A humbling experience

Let’s talk about a real life issue here lately: “THE BODY”.  Yep, mine.  My body has been around for almost 32 years now.  It’s served me well, and I haven’t put a lot of injury or stress on her in that time.  I had an unrealistic notion that the body still worked the way it did in my teens and early twenties.  WRONG!!!  Ohhhh so wrong!  I will say I weigh the exact same thing that I weighed in 2008 when I got pregnant with Ford and in 2011 when I got pregnant with John Brantley.  HOWEVER, over time and two babies later not everything stays the way it should.  You know what I mean???  Thought so!!  Well, with that being said I decided back in March that I needed to get my “game face” on and get beach body ready.  Well, like all good plans I have, they don’t start right away so I started in May… last week.  I decided I would weigh myself every day at the same time, log everything I put in my mouth, and exercise.  It really was a nice plan, but only lasted a week.  I logged.  I weighed.  I exercised.  I stopped logging after 5 days.  I quit weighing because I wanted to throw the damn scale through the wall after a day of carrot, oatmeal, and banana eating only to have lost 0.2 ounces.  But working out I did NOT quit.

I will be 100% honest.  I HATE WORKING OUT!  I don’t like to put stress on this almost 32 year old body, I don’t like pain, and I don’t like sweat.  My exercise method of choice???.... Crossfit.  Please hold your applause and pick your jaw up off the table.  I know… Jill doesn't like to exercise and she’s doing Crossfit!  Yep.  You read it correctly my friends.  I need to be held accountable.  I need to know people expect me to be somewhere at some specific time or I won’t go.  I can’t join a gym and be expected to just “show up”.  Yeah right!!!  Won’t happen.  But I have gone 3 times now and it’s been a VERY humbling experience.  I am old.  I am out of shape.  And I am in PAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  If you see me wobbling don’t laugh… the body isn't what it used to be!

Ford likes to stall when it’s bedtime.  The other night John Brantley went to bed at 6:00 PM because he didn't have a nap.  I told Ford he could watch a show on the IPad (we still don’t have TV) while Trey and I talked about house stuff.  After his show was over I told him to hug Daddy goodnight.  And will you know that smart little manipulator told his Daddy that he wanted him explain the house plans to him.  And Trey FELL FOR IT!!!  He did.  SO they sat in there and discussed what everything was and Ford asked a lot of questions to ensure that he wasn't being put to bed just yet!
 Bitty is a funny little guy.  He found some of Ford’s goggles and decided to model them.  However, he wasn't in the picture taking mood.
 When I am trying to do something like shower, fold laundry, or cook, John Brantley gets into stuff.  Stuff he shouldn't be into.  He is fascinated with Trey’s bathroom draws.  He pulls all of his goods out to examine them.  The other day it was his deodorant.  Apparently it tastes good and you rub it on your wrists!!!
 When we moved into our rental house we inherited a Barbie Jeep that Ford cleaned up and sprayed with camo spray paint.  The boys have a LARGE time switching from the jeep to the 4 wheeler.  Mud riding is also a fun activity to do when it rains.  And boy has it been doing some raining lately.  At this rate we will never get moved into our house.
Baseball (we can’t call it tee-ball or Ford gets mad) is still going really well.  He has announced to the entire audience in the stands that “he might be the best player out there”.  So humble!!  This momma sure is glad he improved from last year, or we might have found a new sport to play!!!!
 Both of the boys have bigger rooms and closets in our rental house.  John Brantley loves to go play in his closet with the door closed.  The other day I found him sitting in a diaper box just having the best time!

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