Saturday, March 8, 2014

Smelling up Comcast

The last time I posted was Wednesday.  I believe I failed to mention that the day before, Tuesday; John Brantley got a touch of the stomach bug.  It was nothing like what I experienced, but none the less, there was throw up and yucky diapers.  Fast forward to Wednesday night/Thursday morning at 2:00 A.M. and BAM…. It hits Ford.  It hits Ford pretty hard.  We were up ALL. NIGHT. LONG!!!!  By 3:00 AM he had destroyed enough stuff for a full washer load.  I mopped the floor before sunrise, cleaned the toilets, filled up countless Wal-Mart sacks with cleaning duds.   There is just no way to describe the stomach bug but STRAIGHT FROM THE DEVIL.  
 Thursday morning he was pretty puny, and I don’t blame him because he had a rough night.  I was soooooooo sad that he was missing school on Thursday.  Their class unit of study that week was “the circus”.   They were going to eat popcorn, cotton candy, snow cones, and play various circus like activities.  I had planned to attend the festivities as well, but that certainly didn't happen.   Instead, he sat on the couch all day watching TV and the men outside our window cutting down a dead tree.
 The other morning Ford said, “Momma, I want some underwear without pictures on them.  The kind like Daddy wears.”  Well, I sent Trey a text that said Ford didn't want super heroes on his undies anymore and I think this upset Fancy.  Ford is growing up.  I bought him some underwear without pictures and I believe he was pleased.  Trey, not so much.  My child is almost 5 years old and the majority of his undies were a size 2-3.  I think he deserved some new threads.
 By Friday we were all well.  The stomach bug has attacked everyone but Trey, and I warned him to come home from Jackson at his own risk.  I am DONE cleaning up germy stuff.  Since we were all alive and kicking I decided it was mandatory that we get out of the house.  I had literally been stuck inside with sickness for 8 days.  I was near my wits end.  We decided to take a trip north to Southaven.

We decided our Comcast bill was way too high and canceled our internet and phone system with them.  We went with Cspire instead.  But that doesn't matter.  Since we canceled some of our services I needed to return some boxes to Comcast.  The boys and I loaded up.  When we got there the line was long.  We waited.  The boys tested the waters a bit, but after 45 minutes I can only contain them so much.  After about 30 minutes it was evident that John Brantley needed a clean diaper.  He was contaminating the store with his smell.  I had two choices: 1. Get out of line, go to the car, change his diaper, and come back to the end of the line.  Or   2. Just stay in line and let him smell the joint up.  I opted for #2.  After we returned our stuff we headed to the car.  I laid JB in the back only to find I forgot the blasted diaper bag.  That’s okay though.  I like to pride myself in being prepared.  I always have extra diapers and wipes stashed in my glove compartment.  Well, not that day I didn't.  FAIL!!!!!  I needed a plan.  I needed Ford to STOP talking.  I needed to think.  Ford was talking and talking and talking.  He was literally about to FLIP OUT because I said we would go to Chuck E Cheese immediately after Comcast.   That wasn't going to happen.
 I backed the car out and saw a Walgreens across the street.  It was like a ray of sunshine.  I drove over there speedy fast and went to unbuckle John Brantley.  By then it had seeped out of his diaper and was on his pants.  This was NOT good.  Now we needed diapers and new pants.  I went inside only to find that Walgreens doesn't sell Luvs, which is my diaper brand of choice.  I went with Pampers.  I bought a pack of 28 diapers for $8.99.  That really hurt my feelings since I am cheap.  I prefer to buy in bulk.  I buy the box of 120 Luvs diapers for around $18.00.  I felt robbed.

So we changed the diaper and then headed to Old Navy for some pants.  I had to constantly remind Ford that we would be going to Chuck E Cheese… we just had a few stops to make before.  John Brantley is small.  I know my pictures may not look like he is small, but he is.  He will be 21 months next week.  I picked out some navy blue pants that were a size 12-18 months.  He couldn't keep them up.  Oh well.
 We bought the pants and headed to Chuck.  I got JB out of the car and he went straight for the door to the building.  He got to the curb and put one foot up and when that second foot lifted it kind of missed the curb.  He fell.  He rolled right into a parking space on his back, smack dab in the middle of some oil.  So now his white shirt was oily on the back and if that weren't enough he rolled into gum in his new pants.  Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!  I can’t even make this stuff up.  It only happens to me.  But hey… we went to Chuck E Cheese like I promised!!!
Ford dug a hole in the yard which his daddy wasn't happy about.  He tried to cover it up by saying he needed to plant his “Jack and the Bean Stalk” he grew at school there!!!  I’m not sure what part the flags play in this whole digging deal.  
 Friday night we went to Elizabeth Anne’s 9th birthday party.  She loves John Brantley!
 Daddy was trying to read “Duck in the Truck” to the boys.
 We went back to the farm today.  This time we brought Uncle Ken, my brother, and Gran and BoomPa.
 Ford surprised Gran by picking her a bouquet of buttercups!
 Not to be outdone by the gift giving… John Brantley had to get her a little something too…
No, it wasn’t flowers, but a prickly gumball!!!  I believe she loved it just as much as her buttercups!
 The 5k run/walk is TWO weeks away!!!!  If you are interested in participating it will be held at Shelby Farms in Memphis, TN, on SUNDAY, March 23rd @ 2:00.  Our team name is “FAITH WALKERS” and we are doing it in honor of my mom (Gran), Suzanne Anthony.  Please sign up.  And if you are a blog follower of mine that I do not know I would LOVE to meet you!!!!

1 comment:

Kimberly Roberts Moore said...

wait?!! 120 diapers for $18!! that's half of what I pay for pampers!! I am going to try Luvs then!! SOOO sorry ya'll have been so sick. yes- straight from the devil comes the stomach bug!!!

Mardi Gras Coast Style

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