Saturday, February 1, 2014

I am spoiled...I said it!!!

God knows what he is doing and doesn't make a mistake.  He knew exactly what time I should be put on this Earth.  He put me here at a time when technology and modern day equipment is advanced.  I am spoiled!!!  I am.  I said it.  I am currently without a dishwasher and its UPSETTING!!!!!  I had someone look at it on Friday, and we had to order a part and it might not be in until the 7th.  That’s over a WEEK without my dishwasher that I run religiously.   I just finished hand washing a load of dishes and my hands are so rough and dry now.  With that being said, neither one of my grandmothers’ had a dishwasher, and I applaud them for being real women!  I am just not!

Delta loves Ford because he is gentle with her.  John Brantley… not so much!
 Some serious potty training is going down at the Lamar Inn and Suites!!!  I refuse to let Bitty be 3 years old and still in a diaper like Ford was.  He has shown a lot of interest in using the potty and for that I am grateful.  The only downside is that he thinks he must be 100% naked to get on the toilet.  That’s a lot of dressing and undressing throughout the day, but that’s part of my job.
 Bath time is a favorite activity around here.  95% of the time I bathe both of them at the same time to save time, water, and my energy level.  I like to feed the boys supper between 5:00-5:30 every night, followed by a bath, playtime, some reading, family fun day (what Ford calls playing in my bed), and usually in bed by 6:45.  I hope Ford NEVER learns to tell time because he won’t think 6:45 is an appropriate bedtime!!!  But, to my defense, my boys need about 12 hours of sleep and unless I put them down real early they won’t get it and I will pay for it the next day.
 No matter what I do, Bitty is right on my tail waiting to help out with whatever task I am doing.  And of course he has on "the boots".
 We love outside and fortunately, we have been able to get outside the last two days.   
 Puddin and Pops gave the boys matching toboggans for Christmas.  John Brantley thinks it’s a staple to his outfits every day.      
 This little guy cracks me up.  As you all know, he talks every waking minute of the day.  I never have to wonder what Ford is thinking because it automatically comes straight out of his mouth.  These are some things I hear EVERY DAY….

“Momma, I have some BADDDDD news.”  He then proceeds to tell me something like Delta ate John Brantley’s breakfast… John Brantley is in my China cabinet….The Lego bag has a hole in it…..John Brantley squirted lotion all over the floor.  Etc…..

“HURRY….it’s an emergency!!!!”  It’s really not, but Ford thinks something needs to be done pronto!

“How much gas do we have?”  The child is OCD/paranoid that we are going to run out of gas.  After he asks how much I have he wants to know how far that will get us.         
 You've heard me say that Ford is VERY interested in God, Heaven, Jesus dying on the cross, and much more.  Well, he is constantly asking all kinds of questions.  Today as we were driving in the car he starts in with his questions.  I told Trey it was HIS turn to answer some of them.

Ford:  “Daddy, where is Calvary?”
Trey:  “In the Middle East.”
Ford:  “The Middle OF East?  What happens if it was at the END of East?” 
If you've been following my blog for a while you will remember that at the first of 2013 I stated that I don’t do New Year’s Resolutions, but I decided to give something up each month.  I gave up chocolate, cinnamon rolls, fast food, carbonated beverages etc.  That all ended in July when we went on vacation.  There was just too much to choose from.  Well, since my mom has been sick I have been giving a lot of thought as to what I put into my body and my family’s as well.  I have made some small changes and plan to continue implementing more.  I am also back on my “giving stuff up” routine and plan to stick with it.  In January I did not eat fast food, drink a carbonate beverage, or cook cinnamon rolls.  I plan to keep those three going in February and add to the list.  This month I am not going to add additional salt to any of my food and give up dinner rolls.  
When time allows I’ll go into more detail about some of the changes I have made around here.    

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Mardi Gras Coast Style

Did you know that NO ONE wants to keep 3 kids?   You got one... people will fight over one.   Two....kind of got to ask nicely.   Three....n...