Thursday, February 13, 2014

20 months

My Bitty will be 2 years old in 4 short months.  Yes, that would make him 20 months old today, and he is spunkier than ever.

He still isn't a man of many words, but he expresses himself beautifully.  He’s wild.  He’s loud.  He grunts and makes caveman noises all the time.  Trey and I often wonder what he is trying to let us know.

He is constantly on the go.  When he is missing and its quiet I know nothing good can be going on.  He is big about going into a room and slamming the door.  Now if you go into a room and close the door on him he doesn't appreciate that one bit.  He will bang, scream, cry, and yell “Maaaaaa” until it’s opened.
He likes his sleep just like his momma.  He sleeps later than Ford in the mornings.  He’d probably sleep until 8:00 AM, but that isn't always possible.  He must have his sack (old sleep sack from last winter) cuddled in his arms when its nap or bedtime.  

He LOVES shoes.  Boots are a big favorite of his.  He wears his navy blue rain boots all the time.  Why we have any other shoes is beyond me.  He enjoys trying on other people’s shoes as well.  I don’t mind him prancing in my shoes, but Ford gets annoyed when he tries his own.
John Brantley is a very tough little guy, but he is sensitive too.  He can handle physical pain much better than Ford, but if he gets his feelings hurt he cries and pokes that bottom lip out a mile.  If he gets really upset he goes to “time out” to calm down and think about what has happened.  It cracks me up.  What child puts themselves in time out?  I've never heard of such, but Bitty certainly does.  This can happen multiple times a day too.

When he went for his 18 month check-up the pediatrician recommended that I have him tested for speech therapy.  I was on board with the idea, but didn't think anything was wrong with him.  We went to be evaluated by 3 ladies one morning.  It was hilarious.  John Brantley wouldn't talk, but he sure was busy.  They asked me questions, watched him play, and interacted with him.   When it was all said and done he didn't score low enough to qualify for services at this time.  They said he needed a 33% of lower and he scored a 36%.  His expressive language (what he says) is that of a 12 month old and his receptive language (how he understands and reacts to commands) is that of a 30 month old.  So, with that information he understands beautifully, he just isn't ready to talk.  I’m okay with that!

John Brantley is easily frustrated.  To show his emotions he stomps his feet, makes ticked off noises, and uses hand gestures.  If he worries about something because it’s not right or someone is hurt he will say, “maaaaaaaaaa” or “Mommmmmmmaaaaaaaa”.   He doesn't like for people to cry.  If you pretend to cry he will start shaking his head “no”.
If Bitty goes to the refrigerator requesting his milk he always grabs Ford’s cup too, gets a sip, and takes it to him.  If John Brantley gets a snack he wants me to get one for Ford as well.  I think that’s so sweet.  Ford works with John Brantley all the time.  He was pleased that he taught him to cover his mouth last week when he coughed.  I hear him explaining things to John Brantley all the time.  For the most part he is super sweet and considerate of his little brother.  There are times that I have to correct his behavior though. 
I still rock John Brantley at nap and bed time.  I know you non-rocking mothers are shaking your head at me.  But that’s ok.  It’s a personal choice.  Yes, it does take up a lot of time, but I adore that sweet cuddle time.  Usually, he knows that it’s time to sleep and he is right behind me turning off the noise makers because he doesn't want to go to bed yet.

He LOVES animals and if you ask him what a certain animal says he almost always makes a barking sound like a dog!!!  He likes juice better than milk, he has a sweet tooth the size of Texas, he loves taking a bath, but HATES brushing his teeth.  He likes to hide from me under his baby bed.  He uses the potty numerous times a day, isn't big into TV, loves outside, starts to dance if he hears music, grunts when he’s excited, and loves to kiss his momma.

He’s down to one nap a day, wears a size 3 diaper, size 4 or 5 shoe, is in 12-18 month clothes, and always wants to go somewhere.  When he is ready to go he puts on his rain boots and brings me my shoes.  If I don’t put them on then he starts his foot stomping at me!!!

The child likes a product JUST LIKE HIS MOMMA!!!  Every night he needs me to apply all of these things before he puts on his pajamas!
We love our Bitty!!!!

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