Saturday, February 22, 2014

The Danger Zone

It’s that time of year again; birthday season.  Last weekend Ford was invited to a 4 person birthday party.  I guess if you've got a lot of parties to attend it’s nice to knock 4 out at once.  No birthday around here is complete without a bouncy house.  This party was sports themed and even included a football sign for the kids to run through.

Ford and his longtime buddy, Cooper
 Look at that hair!!!!
Ford has been on a growth spurt lately.  It’s become very evident when his shirts show his midriff and his pants look like he’s ready for the flood.  He had on some new threads the other day and I thought he looked so big.  I don’t like him looking big either, it makes me sad.  But big or not, I thought I needed to take his picture. 

I've been keeping a list of things about the boys on my phone that I don’t want to forget.  Here are some things I have down about Ford:
 He can’t tell time, but he is obsessed with the times 11:30 and 3:00.  He knows 11:30 is when he gets out of school and it’s around the time we eat lunch.  He also needs to know when it’s 3:00 so he can watch Wild Kratts on PBS.  We have to talk about what time it is several times a day.

Ford found out (and I don’t remember how) that to go to 5 year old kindergarten you must get a booster shot.  He started crying the other morning saying he wasn't going to school after this year because he couldn't get a shot!!!

His all-time favorite song is still "Crocodile Rock" by Elton John, but he has become a huge fan of the song “I Went to the Danger Zone”.  It has come on the radio several times while we were in the car and he wanted me to turn it up.
 We went to Jackson last week for a visit.  I had planned to stay two nights, but we only stayed one because the day we were going to leave it was supposed to storm.   The boys had fun playing on Puddin's back porch in their matching space pajamas.
 John Brantley is a hot mess.  He tickles me with his noises, facial expressions, and the ways he communicates.  He loves to honk people’s noses.  It’s like his way of greeting you.  He is wild, but very sensitive too.  The other day Ford got hurt and was crying.  John Brantley quickly ran and got his sack he sleeps with to give to Ford to make him feel better.  Sooo sweet!!!
 Ford is so my child.  He acts a lot like me.  The other day we were playing Lego's together.  He wanted me to help him build his space shuttle.  I was half way through when I pressed down on a piece too hard and several pieces came off.  I didn't know where they all went and got frustrated.  I honestly wanted to say some choice words, but we all know I can’t do that.  Ford could sense my frustration and made up some peppy song about “not giving up” and “I could do it”.  It wasn't what I wanted to hear.  I wanted to chunk the Lego's across the room.

A few weeks ago we were all 4 in the car and Trey was in a crabby mood.  I told him he needed to say 3 nice things about everyone in the car.  He did.  Then it was my turn.  Well, naturally Ford wanted to have a turn too.  He said 3 things about me and then 3 about Trey.  For both of us he said, “I like how God made your whole entire body”.   Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!  My child….
 Bitty was helping Puddin get ready one morning and decided to try on her jewelry.
Ford's turn
 We can’t go to Jackson without a trip to the Children’s Museum.  It’s too much fun to pass up on.   
 Something came over John Brantley while we were there.  He kept getting into tight spaces where I couldn't get to him and pitching fits.  Thank goodness for Ford…he would go rescue him for me.   
After the museum we went by a bakery and got a snack and then headed to see my Grandmother.  She gave the boys sacks and they walked around her yard picking up pine cones and then ended the visit by climbing her tree!    
Last week I did some summer clothes shopping for Ford.  He is now too big for the baby/little boys stuff and needs to wear like a size 5.  That means going over to the bigger boy department.  I was bummed when I saw my selections.  I don’t like clothing with random numbers that don’t mean anything to me, cheesy sayings goob me out, and I don’t want a lot of odd pictures on there either.  I like plain and simple.  Good thing I found some $5.00 t-shirts at Old Navy.  It’s simple and cute…..
 Gran and BoomPa came to play on Friday.  Ford wanted to practice his t-ball skills for a bit.  John Brantley thinks he’s just as big as Ford and can do anything Ford does.  He didn't understand why he wasn't getting a turn to play.
Gran and I had to take him to Hibbett’s to get his own t-balls.  It helped his feelings out a lot!!!!
 Today we had another birthday party complete with a bouncy house/slide.  John Brantley got to attend this party and I think it’s safe to say he had the most fun there.  He went down that slide no less than 50 times!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Cupid's Big Day

Friday was Valentine’s Day, or as many people on Facebook referred to it as Single’s Awareness Day!!!  Fortunately, I got to celebrate by loving on the three men in my life.  I got up that morning, fixed cinnamon rolls (we hadn't had them since December), put out festive plates and napkins, and put their goods on the table.  John Brantley was totally down with cinnamon rolls, toys, and candy first thing when he woke up that morning.  After breakfast we had to rush around to get ready to take Ford to school and John Brantley to stay with Puddin so I could do my homeroom mother duties in Ford’s classroom at school.
 He thought he was going to school too!!!
As a little girl I used to play school and dream of being a teacher, and also play house and dream of being a wife and mother.  God has graciously granted me both of my wishes and with motherhood comes school mom duties.  I am secretly pumped that I am Ford’s homeroom mother.  Not that I am even sure that I am fulfilling the duty correctly, but I do love it.  I like not missing out on fun stuff with my kids.  I know one day I won’t be wanted around their buddies so I have to soak it up while I can.
I started on my party planning early.  First things first: always ask the teacher what she wants at the party.  My specialty was third graders, not preschool, so I like for her to tell me what works best.  She wanted ice cream sundaes.  So that’s what we did.  I contacted the other mothers and we decided who would send what and we were set.
I stopped by a craft store to buy wooden Valentine figures to color and foam picture frames to decorate.  I took their pictures to put in their frames.  We also hung a fancy Dollar Tree (my favorite store) heart to throw Trey’s juggling balls threw.  I knew the kids would love throwing a ball at something.  Oh and yes, Fancy juggles!!!!
 The game
The kids got to hand out their Valentine’s to their friends which was very exciting.  Each child had a hard time waiting his/her turn to go.  Bitty even got to attend half of this party!!!
 I made some sugar cookies and sent icing for the kids to decorate.  This was a good time waster while the teacher fixed the sundaes.
While Ford was licking icing Bitty was into Ford’s stash.  Yes, the child took off his shoes, or boots as always!!!   
 John Brantley didn't have a spot at the table with the other children.  He quickly found an empty chair and pulled it right up to the table.  He wasn't even considering being left out of something as important as party food!  
 After they ate I read the class a story and then they all went outside while I cleaned up the mess.  It was such a cute little party.  I know Ford won’t remember it when he is older, that is why I’m glad I print out my blogs every year.  Happy Valentine’s Day to all!!!!  
And I ended my day with a dozen hot pink roses and some Mexican food.   What a fine day!   

Thursday, February 13, 2014

20 months

My Bitty will be 2 years old in 4 short months.  Yes, that would make him 20 months old today, and he is spunkier than ever.

He still isn't a man of many words, but he expresses himself beautifully.  He’s wild.  He’s loud.  He grunts and makes caveman noises all the time.  Trey and I often wonder what he is trying to let us know.

He is constantly on the go.  When he is missing and its quiet I know nothing good can be going on.  He is big about going into a room and slamming the door.  Now if you go into a room and close the door on him he doesn't appreciate that one bit.  He will bang, scream, cry, and yell “Maaaaaa” until it’s opened.
He likes his sleep just like his momma.  He sleeps later than Ford in the mornings.  He’d probably sleep until 8:00 AM, but that isn't always possible.  He must have his sack (old sleep sack from last winter) cuddled in his arms when its nap or bedtime.  

He LOVES shoes.  Boots are a big favorite of his.  He wears his navy blue rain boots all the time.  Why we have any other shoes is beyond me.  He enjoys trying on other people’s shoes as well.  I don’t mind him prancing in my shoes, but Ford gets annoyed when he tries his own.
John Brantley is a very tough little guy, but he is sensitive too.  He can handle physical pain much better than Ford, but if he gets his feelings hurt he cries and pokes that bottom lip out a mile.  If he gets really upset he goes to “time out” to calm down and think about what has happened.  It cracks me up.  What child puts themselves in time out?  I've never heard of such, but Bitty certainly does.  This can happen multiple times a day too.

When he went for his 18 month check-up the pediatrician recommended that I have him tested for speech therapy.  I was on board with the idea, but didn't think anything was wrong with him.  We went to be evaluated by 3 ladies one morning.  It was hilarious.  John Brantley wouldn't talk, but he sure was busy.  They asked me questions, watched him play, and interacted with him.   When it was all said and done he didn't score low enough to qualify for services at this time.  They said he needed a 33% of lower and he scored a 36%.  His expressive language (what he says) is that of a 12 month old and his receptive language (how he understands and reacts to commands) is that of a 30 month old.  So, with that information he understands beautifully, he just isn't ready to talk.  I’m okay with that!

John Brantley is easily frustrated.  To show his emotions he stomps his feet, makes ticked off noises, and uses hand gestures.  If he worries about something because it’s not right or someone is hurt he will say, “maaaaaaaaaa” or “Mommmmmmmaaaaaaaa”.   He doesn't like for people to cry.  If you pretend to cry he will start shaking his head “no”.
If Bitty goes to the refrigerator requesting his milk he always grabs Ford’s cup too, gets a sip, and takes it to him.  If John Brantley gets a snack he wants me to get one for Ford as well.  I think that’s so sweet.  Ford works with John Brantley all the time.  He was pleased that he taught him to cover his mouth last week when he coughed.  I hear him explaining things to John Brantley all the time.  For the most part he is super sweet and considerate of his little brother.  There are times that I have to correct his behavior though. 
I still rock John Brantley at nap and bed time.  I know you non-rocking mothers are shaking your head at me.  But that’s ok.  It’s a personal choice.  Yes, it does take up a lot of time, but I adore that sweet cuddle time.  Usually, he knows that it’s time to sleep and he is right behind me turning off the noise makers because he doesn't want to go to bed yet.

He LOVES animals and if you ask him what a certain animal says he almost always makes a barking sound like a dog!!!  He likes juice better than milk, he has a sweet tooth the size of Texas, he loves taking a bath, but HATES brushing his teeth.  He likes to hide from me under his baby bed.  He uses the potty numerous times a day, isn't big into TV, loves outside, starts to dance if he hears music, grunts when he’s excited, and loves to kiss his momma.

He’s down to one nap a day, wears a size 3 diaper, size 4 or 5 shoe, is in 12-18 month clothes, and always wants to go somewhere.  When he is ready to go he puts on his rain boots and brings me my shoes.  If I don’t put them on then he starts his foot stomping at me!!!

The child likes a product JUST LIKE HIS MOMMA!!!  Every night he needs me to apply all of these things before he puts on his pajamas!
We love our Bitty!!!!

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...