Monday, October 28, 2013

The Big Carve

After I had a few minutes to de-stress from my hectic afternoon, we decided to do our 5th annual pumpkin carving.  We bought the pumpkins on Saturday and two days is a LONG time for a 4 year old to wait to carve the darn things.  And while we are on the topic of exciting things, might I add that he is also VERY excited that he will be 4 ½ on Friday.  The ½ is a very very very big deal for a child.  I know.  I was there once!  We might celebrate!
 Here’s FANCY!!!!
 Bitty was ohhhh so interested in what was going on.  He didn't have a clue, but he knew it wasn't normal, and he loved it.
Ford wasn't all about the slime.  He takes after his momma.  I am a spectator when it comes to pumpkin carving.  I prefer to watch from the stands.
 I think my kids are so stinking cute, even if they did make my blood pressure go up today!!!

If you are really bored you can click on the links below for pumpkin carvings from the past.  

Another new blog below….  

1 comment:

Maria said...

That one photo of your "glowing" pumpkin is pretty scary looking! Great shot!

The boys are adorable!

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

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