Wednesday, May 1, 2013

My baby is 4!!!

My baby is 4.  I really can’t wrap my mind around the fact that Ford Lamar is 4 years old.  The number 4 doesn't sound like a little kid anymore, it is more like a child who is big and doesn't need his Momma to do everything for him.  I have had to let Ford do a lot more for himself over the past year since John Brantley came along.  It has been hard for me to let go of responsibilities and let Mr. Independent do it himself.

I remember bringing him home from the hospital and not having a clue what I was doing.  When my mom left me after 3 days I cried like an idiot watching her pull out of the driveway.  We both survived and luckily Ford is still in one piece.

Ford is one of the sweetest and most tender hearted children I have ever met.  He truly cares about your feelings and can’t stand to see anyone cry.  If someone is sick, hurt, or upset he will want to pray for them to make it all better.  He is a worrier.  We have to be careful what we say around him because he doesn't forget anything and he will ask questions and be overly concerned if everything isn't just right.

He loves the outdoors.  He plays make-believe a lot.  Our yard can’t be called a yard when he is on his 4-wheeler.  It’s the field.  He likes to hunt deer and look for deer tracks!  He enjoys swimming, hunting, playing t-ball, riding his tractor, bike, scooter, and especially his 4-wheeler. 

He is into Mars and Outer Space.  He talks about rockets and spaceships and honestly believes that he will go to Mars one day.  He turns everyday household items (pens, blocks, mascara, coke bottles) into rockets and zooms through the house.  His love for all of this stems from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
He isn’t big into eating and meal times are always a struggle.  He eats very slowly and usually talks the entire time (surprising, I know) which can result in him sitting at the table 30-45 minutes to eat ¼ of his food.  He won’t eat fruit.  I have to buy apple sauces in order for him to meet that food group requirement.  He doesn't like many vegetables.  He loves meat!  Ford won’t be tempted with sweets like cake, cookies, or pie.  He is more into candy.  He still loves sweet-tarts the most, but also likes M&M’s, Nerds, Skittles, gum, peppermints, etc.

He still takes a nap about 3 times a week.  If it’s the weekend or something fun is going on I’ll let him skip his nap.  It is much easier to get him to bed at night if he hasn't had a nap.  We try to get him in bed anywhere between 7:00-8:00.  He isn't the best sleeper and never has been.  He lies down in our bed at night with me and we say our prayers, talk a little, and I scratch his back.  Then after he is good and asleep we move him across the hall to his room.  He sleeps until 6:30-7:30 in the morning.

Ford loves to talk.  I think I should have said, “Ford LOVES to talk!!!”  He doesn't have a problem striking up a conversation with anyone.  He is very interested to know who people are.  He wants to know their first and last names.  He almost always addresses you by name when he talks to you.  (Example: “Hey Momma,……”  “Hey Daddy…….”)   He has a hard time not talking.  There is always something important he needs to talk about.  He has a rather large vocabulary for a 4 year old and I am amazed at how many strangers are quick to point that out to me.

He loves to go to “Big Church”.  He is still of age to go to the nursery, but he likes to sit with us.  He gets very excited about putting money in the offering plate.  He says, “I am sending that money to God.”  He loves the Lord and wants to tell me that all the time.  He is so sweet when he says his prayers at night and often tells me that God is his best friend.  Ohhhh how that makes my heart sing!!!

He is scared of loud noises.  I think more than being scared, it hurts his ears.  He had a history of ear infections when he was smaller and I think they made his ears more sensitive to sound.  He covers his ears a lot when loud things are near, will ask you to cover them, will run away from the noise, or in some cases even cry.  He isn't a fan of the dark either.  He doesn't like big dogs or dogs that like to jump.  He hates Trey’s blower.  Again, it’s the noise it makes.

Weight: 33 lbs. - 23rd percentile
Height: 3 feet 4 inches- 41st percentile
Clothes size: 3T shorts, 4T long pants and shirts
Shoe Size: 9
He loves the colors green and blue. 
His favorite shows are: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Handy Manny, Bob the Builder, and he will tolerate some Sesame Street, Curious George, and other random cartoons.
He loves to go out to eat.  If I let him choose he picks the local Mexican restaurant, Rio Lindo, or a sandwich shop called Penny’s Pantry.
He thinks drinking sprite or chocolate milk is a treat.  At home he pretty much just has whole milk or water.  I quit buying juice when I read that “From Concentrate” basically means “sugar water”. 

During his third year he became potty trained and got rid of his paci, but I’d say the biggest change was he became a big brother.  Ford is absolutely wonderful with John Brantley.  He LOVES that baby more than I could ever express in writing.  He is gentle and loving with him.  He hugs and kisses on him all day.  They squeal and play so well together.  I am sure at some point they will learn to fight, but it’s been so sweet watching their little relationship grow.

Ford loves to learn.  He asks questions all the time about things and remembers most things we teach him.  He likes books, puzzles, writing, drawing, and coloring.  I try to make everyday activities into some kind of learning experience when I can.  When we dry his hair we count to 50 (usually).  When we drive down the interstate I make him tell me what numbers or letters he sees on the signs we pass.  If I am cooking I’ll let him help me put ingredients in the bowl by counting how many cups of something we need etc.
He says he wants to be a farmer and an astronaut when he grows up. 
He LOVES going to the beach and probably brings it up 5 times a week.
His favorite song is still Elton John’s “Crocodile Rock”.
He learned to count backwards and by tens from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
When he counts he often times skips the # 16.
Ford is the king of double negatives.  Example:  “I don’t want no bread.”
Ford is a very literal person.  He is quick to correct you if you say the wrong thing.  

It is such a blessing to be a mom.  I am so thankful that God handpicked me to be Ford’s mom.  He has taught me so much in the last 4 years and I've enjoyed every minute of it.  I absolutely believe in love at first sight.  I experienced that on May 1, 2009 at 3:42 PM.  For the complete baby story click here, here, and here.

I love you Ford.  Remember you promised to ALWAYS be my baby, give me hugs and kisses, cuddle with me, and sit in my lap.  You have made me so proud of you and I love you with all of my heart my precious angel!

1 comment:

jillemersonbell said...

He is the cutest thing, Jill! What a precious little boy. Happy Birthday, Ford!

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