Monday, April 29, 2013

The glove

 I am not sure, but I believe that when I take my camera lots of places it annoys Fancy.  Well, on Saturday I really needed to document Ford getting his first baseball glove.
 We signed Ford up to play tee ball at our church.  He will be the youngest and most spastic child on the field and I can’t wait.  He can hit the ball off of the tee pretty good but catching and throwing is another story.  I’d say I know the most about baseball, as compared to other sports, and really enjoy watching it.  I got out in the yard with Ford yesterday to practice with his new glove.  I tried desperately to explain to him that in the game of baseball people don’t stand 4 feet away from you and toss the ball directly into your glove.  He just didn't get it.  He was getting so frustrated with me and yelling, “You’re a bad thower (thrower) and I’m going to tell Daddy!!!”  We have a LONG way to go.  I hope he doesn't get out there and cry on Thursday.  He is a bit of a perfectionist and slightly OCD.  I’m not sure where he gets that from!!!!
Yep, I made his caterpillar shirt!  I finally joined Pinterest and I got the idea from there.

 John Brantley started running fever last Wednesday and on Thursday I took him to the doctor and was told he had roseola.  Well, he continued to run fever and acted a bit needy throughout the day Thursday and Friday.  Trey had plans for us to go to Oxford to Double Decker and spend the night.  This was going to be my first night away from John Brantley.  Both sets of grandparents were booked so I asked Samantha to come keep the boys.  She agreed to come and keep the little monsters.  I thoroughly upset Trey when I told him I just couldn't spend the night away from my sick baby.  He was ticked…. to say the least.  We still went to Oxford at 3:00 that afternoon and were home by 11:00 that night.  While we were gone I got a text that Ford had 103 fever.  Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!  Fortunately, he only had fever on Saturday night and by Sunday he was fine.  I think John Brantley is finally fever free after 5 days too!
Samantha took some pictures of the boys in the tub.  It was a nice surprise when I was looking through my pics!
This is what I will expect at his first tee ball game!!!

He will spastically throw the ball in the air behind him or sit in the grass!

 Yep, I kiss on those chubby cheeks all day.  I’m surprised they aren't raw!
 We stopped by the Sonic yesterday, and parked on the cool side.  Yes, all Sonic’s have a cool side and I hope you already knew that!  John Brantley got feisty in his car seat so he needed to practice his driving skills.
 And Ford just wanted to sit with his momma
 After Sonic we went to some friends’ house.  The daddy is a Cajun and likes to eat weird stuff.  When I say weird I mean… squirrel.  Yes, Ford tried a bite of rabbit.  He said it was spicy.  Trey ate several pieces, and I’m sure you all know that rabbit didn't go in this mouth!  No way… No how!
I believe Trey gave John Brantley a taste when I wasn't looking.  Sneaky thing…

My baby will be 4 years old on Wednesday.  I think I may have a hard time with this birthday.  I have never cried or been sad at any other age.  I can just tell he has grown up so much in the last year and I know it will continue even more so this year.  It makes me sad, but then again so happy at the same time.  Be prepared for a long blog on Wednesday. 

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Where did Daddy find you???

Lately my week days consist of lots of housework and chores one day and then the next day lots of playing.  I try to do my housework on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday when Ford is at school and John Brantley is napping.  I try not to do too much cleaning and such while they are awake so I can play with them. 

 The other day the weather was so nice.  We went to the park in the morning before naps and I let Ford play in the mud.  What was I thinking, I am not sure??  Fortunately, the mom we went with had a plastic bag in her car.  Fortunately again, we didn't get pulled over or Ford would have gotten a ticket for indecent exposure because he rode home stark naked!
After our afternoon naps we strolled to a church playground near our house.  John Brantley had never been in a swing before.  He thoroughly enjoyed himself!

 Would you please get a load of those legs on Bitty?  I could squeeze him to death!!!!!!
 After the swings it was time to slide.  Ford really wanted John Brantley to go down the slide with him.  He squished his cheeks to death and he looks like a sumo wrestler!
 Fancy pants went hunting this morning and by golly he finally got him a turkey bird.  He called to tell me that he’d killed one and told Ford to put on his camo for a picture.  That didn't take any convincing, Ford loves his camouflage attire very much!
 Mealtimes with Ford aren't fun.  I really don’t know how else to say it.  I didn't cook anything tonight because Trey played in a golf tournament this afternoon and I knew he wouldn't be home.  I gave Ford a lunchable.  I think he ate 1 piece of cheese.  The child just won’t eat hardly anything.  He really tests our patience.
 Yesterday when I was changing John Brantley’s diaper I noticed that he felt hot.  I took his temperature and it was 100.4.  An hour later it was 100.7.  I wrote it off as teething.  I gave him some ibuprofen and we went about our morning.  After his 3 hour nap, very unusual, it was up to 102.  I knew that wasn't teeth.  He woke up at 5:30 this morning with 101.1 so I called the doctor at 8:00.  When I got up there they said to undress him and bring him to the scale.  When I did I noticed red spots.

It turns out he has a fever virus called roseola.  I've never heard of it, but that’s what he has.  It’s contagious in smaller children…. I hope Ford stays safe.

John Brantley weighed 18.10 pounds which is the 5th-10th percentile.  I think being on the skinny side of things really worries Trey.  He’s fine!

I think John Brantley looks like I did as a child.  Trey really won’t admit it.  I think he is just sad that he doesn't have a second little clone.  I found this picture of me when I was 2 years old.

My favorite thing Ford has asked me lately is, “Momma, where did Daddy find you?”  He just asked me out of the blue one night when I was trying to get him to go to bed.  He is such a deep thinker.

Monday, April 22, 2013

The explosion

Slick, a nickname I have for Ford, decided that he wanted to go eat breakfast at the Donut Shop on Saturday.  I love donuts so I told Fancy that he could stay at home with Bitty while he napped and I’d take one for the team and eat some low calorie donuts.  We had a nice breakfast and lovely conversation.  About 1/3 of the way into his biscuit he was ready to go home.  Getting Ford to eat is such a chore!

Before we left for our breakfast date Ford needed to take a picture with Daddy who had just come in from turkey hunting.

Bitty likes mealtimes too, but he often times makes a huge mess.

 So, on my last post I said I was cooking fried chicken and that I did.  I was quickly reminded why we eat so many casseroles around here.  I can prepare them ahead of time and freeze them or cook them during nap time.  I can’t fry chicken during nap time and expect it to taste delicious at 6:00.  So I found a Paula Dean recipe for frying chicken, and I trust her because she seems to know what to do in the kitchen.  I got busy making a good southern dinner all the while John Brantley is screaming and pulling my pajama pants down and Ford is asking like 75 questions.  Trey came in right about the time supper was ready and picked up the baby.  He immediately wanted to know why he felt wet.  I had no idea because I was knee deep in chicken batter.  Well, apparently Bitty had an explosion.  Instead of helping Trey I grabbed my camera!
 Supper was really good and I will fry some chicken again real soon.
 Ford is obsessed with toothbrushes and toothpaste.  We brush our teeth numerous times a day.
 Suckers are always a fun treat!!!
 On Saturday we went to our buddy, Cooper’s, birthday party.  They had an enormous bounce house.  Ford got a good workout from playing in that thing.
 Bitty wishes he was big enough!
 This would be John Brantley’s girlfriend, Sidney Kate.  She is about 8 weeks older than Bitty and will be his prom date in 17 years!
 We spent some time at the property this weekend.  We are slowly trying to decide on some house plans.  Ohhh what a process this will be!
 Our yard needed some major TLC.  I called a handy yard service in town and asked for a quote.  I thought it was a fair price and I said, “You’re hired!!!”  The crew of at least 4 guys spent over 4 hours cleaning my bushes out and mowing our yard.  It looks beautiful.  We had to take some pictures before church yesterday!
 Then Ford and I got out yesterday afternoon and planted some flowers.  He is excited that the yard will look good for his birthday party!
He’s rotten and he knows it!

Mardi Gras Coast Style

Did you know that NO ONE wants to keep 3 kids?   You got one... people will fight over one.   Two....kind of got to ask nicely.   Three....n...