Sunday, March 10, 2013

Another One Bites the Dust

 I love this little fella who appears to have an orange nose and cheeks in this picture.  Perhaps we need to eat more green vegetables and steer clear of the squash, carrots, and sweet potatoes a few days!!!  It’s hard to remember life before John Brantley.

He is still on the move and into everything.  I started pulling out a drawer full of sippy cups for him to play in while I do things around the kitchen.  
 Ford is ALL about some together time.  The child is not one to be in a room alone.  It.  Won’t.  Happen.  Wherever I am, he will find me.  He calls my name and needs to be right under me at all times.  He LOVES to have “Family Fun Day”.  A normal person would think this would be some kind of activity outside of the home.  Negative.  It’s when Ford, John Brantley, and I pile in a bed and play.  See Exhibit A….
 And Exhibit B….
 Ford hasn't been into his puzzles at much lately.  I made him do one the other day.  I figured it was good exercise for his little brain and it was a good 5 minutes of peace for me!!!  Win! Win!
 Trey is often times upset (so I think) that John Brantley isn't the spitting image of him like Ford is.  Well, one thing is for sure, this child loves to eat like his daddy.  If food is around he squeals and hollers until you give him a bite.  No, we haven’t been given the "go ahead" on table food, but he has had his fair share!!!
When Ford was 1 Puddin and Pops gave him a red wagon for his birthday, per my request.  Now one child doesn't necessarily need a wagon, but it is lovely for two babies.  I always knew I’d have more than one child and I have looked forward to this day for A LONG TIME!!!  On Saturday I loaded the boys up and we went walking.  We visited Trey at work (yes, he works on Saturdays) and went to a cute little store in town called Miller Station.  Ford talked the entire time and John Brantley bounced and bucked around.  He had a marvelous time!!!

 I am a strange and goofy mom.  I admit it without hesitation.  I think my boys, especially Ford, enjoy my weirdness….Trey, not so much.  The other night when I was getting ready to bathe Ford I was singing “Another One Bites the Dust”.  When I was finished with my rendition by Queen Ford pipes in and says, “If someone bites the dust would they cry?”

Ford likes to have conversations about things John Brantley will learn to do in the future.  He started telling me he was going to work on teaching him how to use the potty.  He said, “Going potty is important.  Yep, it’s really important.”

Ford talks about going to Mars so much I think I may lose my bloody mind.  He doesn’t understand that human beings don’t go to Mars.  I have given up on arguing with him about the subject matter anymore.  The other day he said, “Momma, I need to learn a lot so I can be an astronaut and go to Mars.”
 While I was busying myself in the kitchen Ford asked, “Momma may I please have some star hearts?”  I didn’t know what in the world he was talking about.  I was thinking of some new kind of candy that he had heard about.  I asked what he was talking about and he pointed to Trey’s pants.  Ohhhh…Carhartts.

Ford informed me that he needed to go to the bathroom.  He starts yelling for me to come in there.  He said, “Momma, I poo pooed.”  I said, “Ohhh fun!!!”  He said, “Why’d you say Ohhhh Fun?  It’s not like I’m going to play in it!”  Ha ha ha ha… well, I sure hope not!
 Daddy on Ipad, JB eating, and Ford thinking he needs to be in the middle of it all.  A normal day at the Lamar household!
 My friend brought Ford these Velcro mitts (for lack of a better word) and ball that you throw.  Ford is the most spastic child that God ever created.  I laughed soooo hard playing with him tonight.  We have a lot of work to do before he ever even catches a real baseball.  Prayers are appreciated!
Ford stole his water…. I don’t think John Brantley appreciated it!

 Okay imagine the tune to Row, Row, Row Your Boat… but sing…

Brush, brush, brush your teeth
each and every day
up and down and all around
brush decay away!!!
I love my new camera Trey got me for Christmas…. hence all the pictures!!!  Happy SPRING BREAK!

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...