Thursday, February 28, 2013

Jackson and Fat Cake Guy

We packed up and headed out on Monday.  Where to?  Jackson.  I had been planning to go down for a few weeks, but stuff kept coming up and we just couldn’t make the trip.  Ford LOVES to go to Jackson.  There is always something to do and he is fully entertained.

Puddin has steps in her Jackson house and John Brantley found them highly entertaining. 

On Tuesday we went to the Children’s Museum.  Its $8.00 per person over 1 year of age to get inside therefore I was about to shell out $16.00 for the visit and then I decided I’d buy a yearly pass for $55.00.  No, I don’t live in Jackson, but if I go 3 more times before next February (which I will) I have more than paid for my trip.  Oh yeah… I forgot to tell you that Trey!!!....It was for a good cause so don’t be mad.  The good cause is a guaranteed good night’s sleep for Ford.

 We met some friends at the museum.  Ryder is the same age as Ford and his little brother, Rhodes, is the same age as John Brantley.

 Building up that immune system

 After we got back from the museum I put John Brantley down for a nap and I told Ford that I needed a nap.  I didn't sleep the night before because my restless leg syndrome was bothering me.  When I woke up from my nap I found Ford in the chair like this.  Do all guys do this????

Yesterday while John Brantley was napping Ford asked if he could play on Puddin’s back patio.  I agreed since her yard is fenced in.  A few minutes later I heard a noise and….

The little rascal had turned the water on!!!

 And you can’t turn the water on without getting wet!

 I’m biased, but I think he is so stinking cute!

 After he finished watering Puddin’s backyard he needed a bath.  By this time Bitty was awake so I brought him into the bathroom with us.  He pulled up on the bath tub and started squealing and yelling.  That meant that he wanted in on the action as well.  So I decided I’d bathe them both at 3:30 in the afternoon!

 We made a trip down town to the capitol to visit our favorite representative.  I will tell you one thing, they don’t want visitors at that capitol.  I had to steal someone’s parking spot and was caught doing so by one of the security guards.  Fortunately he felt sorry for me since I was wagging two kids and told me to hurry up and he’d let me stay there.

We did a lot of shopping while in Jackson.  I also made a stop by a bakery on Lakeland that I just so happened upon last year.  My supper tonight was a treat I found that was approximately 4,000 calories from this place.  The bottom layer was chocolate chip cookies, then Oreos, followed by brownies, and topped with thick chocolate icing.  If someone will please make me a cake like that I’d greatly appreciate it.

On the way home today I offered to pay Ford $5.00 if he’d be quiet and take a nap.  It didn’t work.  He talked the ENTIRE way home.  He exhausts me.  If only I had that much energy!

Another blog post is below...

Last week I received an e-mail from someone who reads my blog.  I don’t know Heather, but she wanted to share her story with you all.  I am copying part of her story below and including a link to her blog.

In 2005, at the age of 36, and only three months after giving birth to a beautiful daughter Lily Rose, Heather Von St. James was diagnosed with pleural mesothelioma. Upon learning of this life-altering diagnosis, Heather, together with her husband Cameron, embarked upon a search to find the best mesothelioma treatment care available. Their search eventually led them to Dr. David Sugarbaker, a renowned mesothelioma surgeon at the Boston based Brigham and Women's hospital. Dr. Sugarbaker recommended a relatively new surgical procedure called extrapleural pneumonectomy, a groundbreaking treatment option offered through the International Mesothelioma Program. Although there were some risks associated with the procedure, it also carried promise for the best possible outcome. Heather, with full support from her husband and family, agreed to have the surgery.
Today, Heather Von St. James is a seven year mesothelioma cancer survivor and continues to provide unending inspiration to mesothelioma victims around the globe. She carries out her mission to be a beacon of hope for those afflicted with mesothelioma by sharing her story of faith, love and courage both as a keynote speaker at conferences and through social media forums.

1 comment:

Lauren and Nick Miller said...

It's not just you, he is SO cute! Um, that picture of him asleep...hilarious. I bet Trey loved that;)

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...