Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Bitty is into everything

I feel like I haven’t blogged about my little buddies in a while.  We have been taking it easy.  Ford and I have both been doing a lot of coughing and John Brantley is cutting more teeth.  He got another one yesterday, this time on the top.  He also got round 2 of his flu shot and fell and hit his head constantly so it was a tough day for the little guy.
He is into EVERYTHING and he’s FAST!!!  He loves dog bowls, phone cords, Delta’s dog bed, garbage cans, floor mats, diaper bags, purses etc.  Ford is a super duper helper with him.  He tells me when he’s about to get into something that he shouldn't be getting into.  He will say, “Buddy is about to get in Deltas bed.”  He calls him Buddy about 75% of the time.  

 I have been coughing like a crazy person lately.  It has driven Trey crazy.  I feel like I have done extensive abdominal workouts from all the coughing and tightening of my stomach.  I finally went to the doctor today so maybe I am on the road to a quick recovery.

 On Saturday we went to cousin Jack’s 2nd birthday party at a kids indoor play place.  Ford had a large large time!
 After the party we stopped by to meet, Mae.  Mae is a few months younger than John Brantley and her daddy and our daddy are big buddies.
 John Brantley decided he’d put his hand on her leg and she didn't approve!!!
 I think he gave her some kisses here and she wasn't feeling that either!
 Willis, Clyde, or Slick… how I often refer to Ford, stole my cinnamon sticks to use as logs in his dump trailer.  Ohhh his little imagination makes me smile!!!
 The other day I made some brownies for the Super Bowl and asked Ford if he’d like to lick the bowl.  He thought it was a good idea and…
 His daddy did NOT!!!  Trey is NOT very good at sharing a good licking bowl.  He thinks they are all his.  Am I right, Puddin???
 Today it was time to go for our regular teeth cleaning.  I went this morning and then took Ford back this afternoon.  His appointment took twice as long as mine did because after she cleaned about 2 teeth he’d have a question.  Or he’d need to touch something.  I think she was tickled and annoyed at the same time!
 I tend to do stupid stuff a lot.  Things that I KNOW I shouldn't do, but for some reason I think it’s a good idea at the time.  Well, last week my grand idea was to “touch up” my roots in certain spots to “buy” me some time until I went to have my hair professionally done again.  WHY DO I DO STUPID STUFF???!!!!  WHY???  Well, needless to say, the color on the box isn't always the color that you’ll get as your end result.  Instead of a nice dirty blonde look I got Garfield.  My hair looked speckled or spotted.  When I tried to make an appointment to get it fixed on Friday my parents had a BLOW OUT on the way to Mayberry and I had to cancel.  I've had to walk around looking like Spot for a week now!  I am an educator not a cosmetologist and I need to remember that!
 If only we were all this cool!!!!!!!!
 Watching Daddy cut his fingernails…
 I occasionally wake up with pains running down the side of my neck.  I don’t really know if I sleep funny or what causes the random discomfort.  The other day I was in my favorite store, Dollar Tree, and I found these patches for Fancy.  He likes to complain about his back hurting so I thought maybe these would help.  I grabbed a pack and he tried it out but didn't elaborate on how it felt.  Well, I gave one a try this morning on my neck and ewwwwww, ahhhhhhh it was LOVELY!!!  It was COLD too!  I think I love them!
Ohhh yes and before I forget I was completely sober in “The Mask” pictures on the blog post.  Gran told me if she didn't know any better she would have thought I was “three sheets to the wind”.  I wasn't.  I promise!!!

1 comment:

Lauren and Nick Miller said...

Dollar Tree is one of my favorites too;)

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...