Friday, December 28, 2012

2012 Recap Part 1

I thought I’d do a brief rundown of our 2012 year….


In January Trey was sworn in for his first year as a Mississippi State Representative.
We began home renovations preparing for Toto.
We found out that Toto was in deed a boy.  


Ford had his Valentine’s party at school.  I didn’t get to attend, but his sweet teacher took pictures for me!
We went to Mud Monkey Pottery and Ford made this truck. 
We went on a Saturday “family fun day” to The Peabody.    
John Brantley’s room was completed.     



In March the weather finally started to get nicer.  Trey and Ford planted some Trees at the property.
Trey dug up bulbs in our yard and planted new trees. 
Ford and I went to Hattiesburg during Spring Break. 
We visited Daddy at the capital. 
We had dinner with our friends, the Wilson’s, at their house in Clinton. 
We saw my grandparents while in Jackson. 
Ford helped to paint furniture for John Brantley’s room. 
I continued to grow….
We walked home from Sunday lunch…
I continued to educate our future leaders…. (she wasn’t even my student, but I loved her dearly).
We went to the zoo with our cousins. 


Ford rode a horse...
Ford had an Easter egg hunt and party at school.
He played in puddles…
We added a back patio onto our house…
Ford and I went to an Easter egg hunt at my parents’ church. 
We had our third annual crawfish party.
The Easter bunny came to our house.
Easter Sunday
Daddy killed a turkey…
We went with Puddin and Pops to Pickwick Lake…
One of my students was named Valedictorian of the third grade!
I had a baby shower at school…
Ford participated in the St. Jude trike-a-thon at his school….
We went to Oxford to Double Decker with our cousins. 
Goodbye Honda…
Hello SUV
Ford’s school pictures…
Stay tuned for Part 2 of the 2012 Recap…. 

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

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