Thursday, November 1, 2012


Halloween is such a fun time; Ford gets a lot of candy and I end up eating it!  Yesterday, his class had their Halloween party.  Each child was to bring 13 treat bags for the children in the class plus an assigned food item.  If you are processing this all in your head you are correct… Ford also came home with 13 treat bags.  We had to go through each bag and examine all the goods and eat a little bit of it here and there.  I got to go to his party for a few minutes.  Those little people were so cute and well behaved!
Brotherly bonding on the floor
Yesterday while Ford was at school I decided to take some pictures of John Brantley in a Halloween outfit.  Do you know how difficult it is to take pictures of a moving target? 
This was the best prize out of the treat bags… oh and some glow in the dark monster teeth!
So for Halloween this year Ford wanted to be Elton John; that was pretty much all he talked about for a few months.  Trey seriously objected to that idea for a few reasons so that left me to come up with something equally as cool in Ford’s book.  He has a strong love for Mickey Mouse Club House so I thought what better to be than Mickey!  I didn’t have my creative juices flowing this year like I did last year. Therefore, I decided that little bit would also be Mickey and I would just order the costumes instead of trying to make them or have someone make them for me!
I could just squeeze them to death!!!!!!!!!!!!  LOVE MY BOYS

Family shot
Out trick or treating with Gran and BoomPa

This is Ruth.  She is one of my students from last year!
This is Big Momma and Big Daddy’s house.  When we pulled in the driveway Ford said he could get out by himself!  (Such a big boy).  They didn’t have any candy so he got money and cookies!
Thank you Big Momma
Then we headed over to our church for some Trick Or Trunk….
We found Minnie Mouse and a Crayon.  Anna Lauren, Ford and Maisey
This was my FAVORITE of the night!  We have some friends that built a costume around their child’s wheel chair.  He was scoop from Bob the Builder!

Ohhhh Halloween was fun.  Ford is already asking about it for next year.  He says he wants to be a spider!

1 comment:

Maria said...

Who is Big Mama and if I ring her doorbell will she give me money and cookies? Ha! I'm guessing I have to be as cute as Ford and J. Brantley to get that...

Love and miss y'all!

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

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