Sunday, October 7, 2012

Pumpkin Picking

Thursday night Trey and I actually had a date night and did something fun.  Back in the summer he got us tickets to hear Alan Jackson in Southaven at Snowden Grove.  I am not a country music fan, but I do like Alan and I thought it would be great fun.  Amy, from Trey's office, volunteered to keep my boys along with her 3 children that night.  She has been deemed at St. Amy for taking on such a task.
It is only fitting that you take a truck to a country music concert.  Maybe that is why he bought himself a truck????
On the way to the concert in Trey’s new truck.

Our good friends, Wynne and Jessica Cox, went with us. 
Good ole Alan

The last time I heard him was in 1997 with these girls!
John Brantley has been eating rice cereal and oatmeal for almost 2 weeks now.  He is sort of top heavy so sitting in a Bumbo is often a difficult task.  I have decided that handcuffs would be nice to have during the feeding time.  He is constantly gnawing on those hands. 

Brotherly bonding

John Brantley wasn’t acting like himself last week so I decided to take him to the doctor on Friday afternoon.  I could envision it… I don’t take him to the doctor and then we have a miserable weekend.  I like to live by the “Better safe than sorry” motto.  Fortunately, Gran was up for the field trip as well, so we picked her up half way and went to get checked out.  I thought it was an ear infection, but it wasn’t!!!  He needed to take a larger dose of his stomach medicine.  While we were there I decided Ford could get his flu shot.  Who knew that it also came in a mist!!??!!  We opted for the mist.  This was apparently NOT in the cards for Ford Lamar on this lovely Friday afternoon.  He pitched one.  He was crying and carrying on.  I got him off of the table and cradled him and said we would NOT go home until he sniffed that medicine up.

Mr. Big Stuff weighed 14.6 pounds.

Sweet Thang asleep in his car seat.  He was also called a girl in this outfit.  REALLY??!!??
Yesterday we went to buy some pumpkins.  We always go to a local place in town called the Baddour Center and select a pumpkin for everyone in the house.  Ford picked them out of course. 

Nothing adds to the excitement of pumpkin picking like finding our good ole pals Mickey and Donald waiting on us inside!!!!!!! 
2011 pumpkin picking
2010 pumpkin picking

A little body painting on Saturday evening 
John Brantley before church this A.M.

Our dog finds every opportunity she can to run out of the gate (when left open) and cruise through town.  I noticed that she was missing this afternoon and it literally ticked me off.  I am sooooooo sick of looking for her when she makes a run for it, that I just quit.  The only reason we even attempt to find her is so that Ford won’t have a heart attack.  When Trey’s aunt found her on Main Street and brought her back I spanked her.  Ford didn’t approve.  He said, “Momma, look at her eyes.  She is sad.”  He went and hugged her!

I took a lot of notes on my phone of things I needed to add to my blog, but that would make it too lengthy and my mom would tell me I wrote too much.  (Love you mom)  So, until next time!!! 

1 comment:

Katie said...

I see you finally got over the "blue jeans on children" fear :) I knew u would come around. I love JBs cheeks!!

Mardi Gras Coast Style

Did you know that NO ONE wants to keep 3 kids?   You got one... people will fight over one.   Two....kind of got to ask nicely.   Three....n...