Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Life and Times

It’s hard for me to believe that my little man in 12 weeks old today.  That means I have had him for 84 days!!  I can honestly say that I think I have become accustomed to my “new normal”, I am okay with taking the boys in the car for errands, I am not afraid of being here alone with both of them (I was for about the first month), and I feel like the most blessed momma around that God has trusted me to raise these two little guys!

John Brantley has become very vocal lately.  He coos and squeals all the time.  If you want to hear him make some noise just baby talk or tickle him and he gets all fired up.  He is very nosey too.  If I am doing something he follows me with his eyes.  He loves to watch Ford and smiles at his big brother all the time.  I have to feed him in his room where there aren’t any distractions or he can’t eat for needing to watch the action.  Thank goodness I can feed him during the time Ford watches an episode of Mickey Mouse Club House or he would be in John Brantley’s room climbing all over me.  The ceiling fan is also a big distractor for him too.  You would think he had been told he won the Power Ball Lottery the way he smiles at a fan.  I can’t complain… sometimes those fans buy me some time to get a quick job done around here. 

He is a good sleeper at night.  No, he doesn’t sleep through the night, but I can trust that when I put him down at 7:00ish I won’t be hearing from him for a long time.  He usually waits until about 3:30 A.M. before he needs some company.  I still swaddle him in a Miracle Blanket and he sleeps inside a wedge so he won’t role into the bumper pad and suffocate.  He loves to take a bath and is still bathed in a seat I put in the sink.  He gets these big, wild eyes when I put him in there.  Unlike Ford, he is beginning to lose some of his hair.  He has a lovely receding hairline going on.  I kind of thought he had lost some hair and when I looked at pictures from the hospital I knew it was true.  I might have a fat, bald-headed baby soon.   I think it’s safe to say that he is also a momma’s boy.  I can calm that baby down in a jiffy if he gets upset.  It makes me happy to know that he finds comfort in my arms!!!

Ford is a piece of work.  I am literally on pins and needles wondering what he will say next.  Ford is an open book.  He says exactly what he is thinking all the time.  I never have to wonder what is going on in that little head because he always wants to talk about what he is thinking. 

The other day we took a field trip to see my parents because one can only stay in Mayberry so long.  While on our visit we stopped by Target or Tigretts as my grandmother calls it to buy some junk I really didn’t need.  When we were checking out Ford struck up a conversation with the lady behind us.  He first asked her what he name was, what he momma’s name was, what he daddy’s name was, where she lived etc.  Then he asked her what she was buying.  Ohhhh and did she blush when she looked down and noticed the two items in her hand.  She looked at item #1 which was Beano.  She kind of laughed and said, “I am buying this for a friend”.  Beano would be a pill you take as a remedy for gas!!!  I had to turn around because I was giggling knowing good and well she had the gas and not her friend!  The other item was some face lotion, neither of which entertained Ford too much. 

Picking Ford up from school is always a treat because there is NO telling what he has said to his teachers.  He has invited both of them to go to the beach with us next time and told them where they can sit in the car.  He is OBSESSED with the beach.  He has already started packing for the next trip which won’t occur until next summer, but understanding time isn’t his strong suit.  He told his teachers last Wednesday that he would be bringing cupcakes to school on Friday.  When I picked him up they told me that like it was a fine idea.  So guess what I did Thursday night???  I was baking cupcakes!!  This is one of my personal favorites… Anyone who has ever met Ford knows he LOVES to talk. Apparently he did a little too much talking at school because when I picked him up he said, "Momma, hay is for horses!". His teacher started laughing and told me he said "hey" trying to get their attention all day. I guess it drove them crazy and they told him hay is for horses!!! Love my Ford.
Every night Ford says his prayers when he gets in bed.  One night he was thanking God for everyone he knew and he said, "thank you for Elton John". It made me laugh. He LOVES the song Crocodile Rock!!
John Brantley’s first time in the pool.  I think the cold water ticked him off….??!!!??!!

Ford’s first time in the pool….

Anyone want some lettuce?
Well, I have discussed what my children have been doing… what about Trey?  Well, he is busy at work.  He has to work extra hard now that I am not providing for our family financially anymore.  I think all the hard work is causing him some stress so I decided to “spice up” our marriage and his mood.  Last week I borrowed a fake snake from a friend and put it in his bathroom drawer.  It was JUST what the doctor ordered.  I almost wet my pants I was laughing so hard.  He didn’t find it as humorous as I did!!!

He is practicing law here and traveling to Jackson periodically for various reasons.  I think balancing the two is getting to him.  Last night when we were eating supper (the boys and me) the phone rang and it was Trey.  He was up the street and had locked his keys in his car with it RUNNING!!!  If that wasn’t bad enough he did the SAME THING last week too!!!  Since he goofed twice I just had to make fun of him on here a little bit!  Sorry Trey!!!  I loooooove you!

What about me???  Well, last week I do think I chilled out more.  This week I might not do so good.  I can’t decide.  If I get something on my mind it’s hard for me not to do it.  Yesterday I decided I needed to cook and freeze some stuff and that’s exactly what I did.  I have become a fan of cooking things and freezing them.  We have a small deep freeze which was one of Trey’s purchases that he bought on a whim to keep critter meat in.  Well, it also contains some casseroles I thought I needed to make.  Yesterday I made spaghetti sauce (no, we don’t do jar kind) and chicken spaghetti.  I try to cook during nap time or at night.  I think I have about 6 meals out there now which makes me really proud. 
Other things that are consuming my thoughts are finishing John Brantley’s quilt and what in the world will be children be for Halloween??  Last year I made Ford a John Deere tractor outfit out of a box, but I am not so sure I feel so creative this year.  I would kind of like for them to coordinate, but I don’t know if that will happen.  I am also ready to decorate for Christmas.  Yes, it is the first of September, but I LOVE CHRISTMAS TIME!!!  Last year I felt sooooooo bad being pregnant that I sat on my couch and watched Puddin decorate my tree.  If it weren’t for her I don’t think we would have had a tree at all.  I plan to feel top notch this year!

I hope you all feel caught up with the Lamars… Until next time…..

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...