Thursday, September 13, 2012

A thumb sucker with big cheeks

This has kind of been a lazy week at the Lamar residence.  On Monday I was busying myself around the house and I got a message from Ford’s teacher at school to call her.  I thought “oh great!”  She said he had a stomach ache and I told her I’d come get him.  I got there and he acted all pitiful and needy, BUT when we got home he was flipping on the couch, squealing, and watching his Mickey Mouse Club House.  On Wednesday he asked me if he felt bad again if I’d come get him.  I said no.  He acted upset and I told him if I came to get him again we were going to the doctor to get “40 shots”.  40 is his new thing… He is always saying we will do something in 40 days or 40 weeks.  Needless to say NOTHING was wrong with him on Monday, he was just being scandalous and I fell for it.
The other night I was cleaning up the kitchen while holding John Brantley.  I decided I could do it a lot faster if I put him down.  I laid him on his stomach and he was “MAD”, but it only lasted about 15 seconds and then there was dead silence.  I got very concerned and I ran over to the blanket and I saw this….
He was passed smooth out with his thumb in his mouth.  Forget a pacifier, he is a thumb sucker!!!  I think it’s precious. 
On Tuesday we took a field trip.  Ford had never been to Chuck E Cheese and a friend invited us to go as a reward for him getting rid of his pacifier.  We were happy to help celebrate and went along for the ride. 

You think JB needed a new diaper!!!???

Napping… this doesn’t happen every day anymore either!
My baby is 3 months old today!!!!  It’s hard to believe he is that old, yet it seems like forever ago I was in the hospital.  We have made it a long way in 3 months.  He has developed such the personality.  He laughs and squeals all day.  We were playing this afternoon.  I love to make him laugh!

Tell me you wouldn’t just love to kiss those big ole cheeks!!!!!!!
I told Ford he could play in the mud today.  We don’t have any mud so he had to make some mud.  I didn’t realize the water hose would make such a lovely hole in my yard.  Oh well!

Ford does and says stuff all the time that I want to make sure and remember.  In an effort not to forget I take notes on my phone.  These are some things about Ford that I have jotted down…
He calls John Brantley the wrong name just to tick me off at least 10 times a day.  He calls him John Bradley.  When he does this I call him Fred. 
The other day we were riding to my parents’ house.  S(ome of the way is hilly and curvy.)  Ford has told me several times that hills make him tired.  I find that odd.
If a word has a “th” in the middle he pronounces it as a “d”.  Examples:  Weather is weader… When he says the prayer at supper he says “God our fodder (father).
I dry Ford’s hair every night otherwise it’s a mess in the mornings.  He usually gets annoyed so in an effort to get his mind off of the task at hand and add some educational value into the time we practice our counting or ABC’s.
He is currently obsessed with Mars.  We can thank Mickey Mouse Club House for this new obsession.  He always wants to play like we are going to Mars and we talk about it most of the day.
I have noticed that Ford is paying a lot of attention to the TV and radio lately.  The other day a commercial came on for a type of bra.  I saw Ford looking at the TV and I sort of panicked and tried to get his attention away.  The next thing on the screen was about Prince Harry’s wild weekend in Vegas.  That was it.  I turned the TV off.  You don’t realize what trash is really on there until you watch it with some little eyes.  He has also asked me about some songs on the radio and now we usually just turn it down and talk while we are in the car.
As for me… Let’s TOOT TOOT my horn because I have already bought a Christmas gift!!!  I know its impressive being that it’s only September.  Maybe this year I will finish early so I can enjoy the holiday season and not stress out.  That’s always my plan, but it doesn’t happen.
And on a sad note, my hair is falling out.  Yep, I thought I was in the clear since I didn’t have an epidural, but apparently a spinal tap has the same results.  Maybe I’ll get that wig I always wanted after all!!!

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

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