Tuesday, August 7, 2012

What happened to my baby?

Saturday Ford was invited to a birthday party at Cedar Hill Farms.  He LOVES this place.  They have a lot of fun things for kids to do, but most importantly, they have tractors!!!  Ford didn’t care about the other kids, the slide, the animals, the train ride, the pony ride, the cake or ice cream… it was ALL about the tractors.  We had to make him get down.
It was sooo dang hot out there.  I sweat.  I am not one of those cute little girls who can get in the 95 degree weather and not look like it bothers them.  I was dying!!!  I think everyone was.  The kids didn’t seem to mind though.
They give the children a cup of feed for the animals.  Most of the kids walked around and gave a little here and a little there.  Ford just wasn’t feeling it and dumped his all out to the bull.
Pony ride anyone????
He is screaming, “Momma!”  I seriously thought we were moving passed all this “momma” business.  It’s gotten worse since John Brantley arrived.  Speaking of… his behavior the last two days has been at an all-time high.  I feel like he is deliberately disobeying and he doesn’t give a flip.  Yesterday about did me in!
Sweet brothers.  John Brantley has taken notice of Ford lately.  I will put him on the floor and he turns his head and follows Ford wherever he goes.  Usually Ford is right down there in his face.  It drives Trey and me crazy!

My “baby” is huge.  He has literally gone on a big growth spurt.  He will be 8 weeks old tomorrow.  When he came home from the hospital he was wearing newborn pajamas.  Tonight he was in Carter’s size 6 months.  What happened to my baby????????
Ford HATED the swing.  John Brantley hated it too, or so I thought.  He napped in it yesterday and today.
I LOVE these three!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today when we were leaving the post office Ford said, “Momma, I don’t want you to get another car.”  I told him we weren’t right now that we just got a new one, but one day we’d get something else.  He said, “Okay, get one of those really long limousine cars so we can put all of our stuff in it!”  He loves to talk about those “really long cars.”  One day I will have to see if we can ride in one.  He’d be thrilled!!!!
Big JB in his 6 month pajamas!!!  Ford was always so true to size.  Like right now he is 3 years old and he wears a 3T.  I actually feed John Brantley less than I fed Ford, but he is just a lot bigger.  I guess he won’t be able to wear Ford’s old clothes for too long! 

I have the distinguished honor of dressing up like a man and being a judge at the Tate County Womanless Beauty Pageant this Saturday at 1:00.  If you live in the area please attend… it’s for charity!!  And fear not, I will post pictures! 

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...