Monday, July 2, 2012

The Heads Up

This hot 100 degree weather is really putting a damper on our outside play time.  When a 3 year old is stuck in doors for too long it leads to Trouble with a capital T.  Ford needs to be kept busy pretty much every waking hour or something unpleasant might happen.  Last week he wanted to get a bottled water and pour one of the individual flavored drink mixes into his water and make “Kool-Aid” as he calls it.  He spilt half of it on the floor and the other half stained his face. 
See Exhibit A 
I am nursing John Brantley and I must say it is going very well.  However, I do believe he needs to learn to drink from a bottle so I can leave him for more than a couple of hours at a time.  The other night I fixed him a bottle and asked Trey to feed him.  Naturally, my best helper, Ford, needed in on the action as well.  John Brantley wasn’t a fan of the bottle to say the least.  I think it royally pissed him off.  Perhaps the time of day in which the bottle was given was a mistake (8:00 PM) or it could be that it just isn’t his style.  From 7:30-9:30 is pretty much chaotic around here… for me at least.  Both boys need a bath, Ford wants me to lie down with him, John Brantley needs to be fed and rock, and all the while the baby is usually ticked and yelling.  By 9:30 I am exhausted and need to go to bed.

Saturday Ford and some buddies went swimming at Puddin and Pops’ house.   And I will have you know that I even graced everyone’s’ presence in a bathing suit.  I have 10 pounds to go…. Things still aren’t pretty, but I am making slow progress.  And I have to remember my child isn’t even 3 weeks old. 
This was me exactly 3 weeks ago …..

This baby is soooooo sweet.  I kiss him about 200 times a day.  I love how he sleeps so soundly and lies in a little wad.

Ford is insanely jealous of my time with Toto.  Feeding times are difficult because Ford cries for me, climbs on top of me in the rocking chair, brings loud toys into the baby’s room to disturb us etc.  So when I go places (which is rare) I like to bring him back a little something.  Yesterday he got a push pop sucker from Wal-Mart.  This pleased him. 
I’m glad it’s July.  Lots of things will be happening this month; anniversary, my birthday, vacation.  I should have a lot to blog about!
Again, I must say THANKS to all the people who have brought us food.  You have made my life soooo much easier.  My mother and mother in-law have been a huge help.  They have both spent the night over here a lot lately.  I have had friends to come and play and entertain Ford so I can take a shower and know that he isn’t coloring on my couch!!!  I think we are adjusting to our “new normal”.  I just wish SOMEONE would have given me the heads up that two kids are much more difficult than one.  I wouldn’t change it for the world though.  I love my little family!!!!!!!


Maria said...

I adore the photo of Ford kissing your belly!!

Kimberly Roberts Moore said...

HELLO! I gave you the heads up! You just didn't believe me! haha

Ashley said...

Our family was your heads up...have you not spent enough time with us to just observe the CRAZINESS???!?!

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...