Saturday, May 19, 2012

Part Three of “Let’s Get Real”….

Part Three of “Let’s Get Real”….
I went to the doctor yesterday for my 35 week appointment.  My favorite thing to do in the waiting room is to use my camera phone to take pictures of people.  I like to send these pictures to a lady I work with and my sister in law.  Last time I had some interesting characters on there.  You have to do something to pass the time.  It would make for a fabulous blog, but I am afraid someone might know one of the people I photograph so I better restrain from that post just yet.

My second favorite thing to do at the doctor is to get on the scale.  NOT!!!  I have yet to get in trouble for the 38 pounds that I have gained.  The doctor came in a measured my stomach and said, “You’re huge!”  I replied with, “I know.”  Then she said, “You’re really huge!”  I was fully aware of my massive size without her letting me know anymore.  She then asked me how I was feeling.  I asked if she wanted the truth or wanted me to lie.  She laughed and asked for the truth.  I told her I am miserable, the pressure is unbelievable, and the nerve pain hasn’t gone away.  I then promptly told her that going on bed rest wasn’t an option.  She ordered for me to have another ultra sound of the baby to see yet again if I was retaining fluid or if he’s just big. 

I waited another hour and then was called back.  John Brantley is looking good and measuring in at 7 pounds, in the 86th percentile, and 3 weeks ahead of schedule.  So, let’s do some figuring.  I am 35 weeks, but he is measuring 3 weeks ahead.  That puts him at 38 weeks.  I had Ford at 38.5 weeks so in that case I could have this baby just about any day.  The doctor didn’t come out and say that to me because they won’t, but I think she knows he is coming sooner than later too.  And to be quite honest I am in a small amount of panic mode.

I am a planner.  Ohhhh do I like to plan.  I usually have a plan for my plan.  Not being in control of such a major event is not doing me well.  I am more irritable than usual, just ask Trey.  I am worrying to death of my water breaking in the middle of the night and having to go to the hospital.  That happened with Ford and all was well, but the MAIN thing I am worried about this go round is Ford.  If we leave in the middle of the night who will come to our house?  I have had numerous people offer to help in many ways I am truly grateful.  However, not just anyone can be here when he wakes up or he will freak out.  I read that book, Jesus Calling, every night and I promise God is YELLING at me just about daily.  It talks about worry, not being anxious, trusting, having faith etc.  This entire pregnancy here lately is not allowing me to do too well in those categories. 
In an effort to calm my nerves I laid by Puddin and Pop’s pool one afternoon.  (You like those swollen feet don’t you!!??)

Ford and Pops headed to mow…
I have seriously contemplated writing about this, but I feel that it is better to give a warning now than to be a crazy, hormonal, post pregnant woman writing something later (been there… done that already).  This is my view on company AFTER child birth.  I, speaking from personal experience, think it was wonderful when we had company come and visit us in the hospital.  Both Trey and I felt loved and blessed to have friends and family there to share such an exciting and wonderful experience with us.  However, I was not too keen on company when we got home.  Mayberry is a different kind of town from a bigger city, and we do live right in the middle of town, but I don’t think it is appropriate to come and visit people who have just had a baby “because you are driving by.”  When Ford was born we had multiple visitors after we got home for TWENTY-ONE days straight.  I think 8+ people came to see him the day we got home.  I eventually had a breakdown.  Between a screaming baby, hormones, and hurting from a c-section I didn’t feel that company was what anyone needed at the time. 
After experiencing that myself when someone has a baby that I know I do exactly what I liked and wanted people to do.  I call and ask when would be a good night to bring them food.  I then prepare them a meal, put it in disposable containers, and deliver it to their house.  I don’t go in and visit or touch their child.  I simply tell them I will see them in a few weeks.  No one wants all that company.  I just needed to get that off my chest. 
So in conclusion…. Come and visit us in the hospital, but when we get home PLEASE don’t come by the first day.  I will cry on you!!!
And last but NOT least…. This was day #2 that Ford used the potty every time and didn’t ruin a diaper.  I am very excited!!! 


Kara Paulk said...

Great post Jill! I enjoy your honesty:) Thinking of ya'll!

Lauren and Nick Miller said...

I think honesty is always best, & I definitely agree with you!! Go Ford! We are NOT there yet. It was a disaster when we did try one time recently. I can't decide if I should push it, or just wait a while.

Margaret said...

I appreciate the honesty and I absolutely agree with you!!

Kimberly Roberts Moore said... NOT get me started on visitation after childbirth! I think people should just drop dinner off on the doorstep. ha! I was not a nice person for the first few weeks after being home!

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...