Sunday, April 8, 2012

Puzzles and Bug Houses

Friday I had a doctor appointment and asked Ken and Ashley (my brother and sister in-law) if they would watch Ford while I went.  He was sooooo excited to go and play with his cousins.  They got to go to the park, play in the backyard, and dye Easter eggs.  When I returned from the doctor he told me that he wasn’t ready to go yet.  He really needs a playmate, and usually I am the one that has to do the job.  I think he enjoyed someone else.  Thanks y’all for keeping him.
My appointment went well.  I am up 28 pounds and have about 10 weeks to go.  If Toto hasn’t come by June 21 that will be the big D-Day.  I have lots of people who believe I won’t make it that long.  We will see. 

Along with a new baby come some home renovations.  Not only did we add a room onto our house, but we also added a back patio area.  Before all we had some the bricked area.  Now we have a nice sitting area and arbor to shade some of the hot summer sun. 

Yesterday we went to see my parents in Olive Branch and attended the Easter egg hunt at their church.

BoomPa took the little man for a spin on his lawn mower. 
Then Gran and BoomPa gave Ford his Easter happy.  Ford has a new obsession with puzzles.  I personally am not a fan of puzzles myself.  We had a 24 piece Tigger puzzle and Ford told Gran to find him one with a tractor and wagon.  Well, she did and it has a whopping 60 pieces.  That is a lot for a 2 year old.  Ohhhhh but he LOVES it!!  Love might not be a strong enough word.  He was thrilled to pieces to get a new puzzle.   
And a bug house…     
And some new fashionable goggles for the beach and pool…      
Then he was off to catch some bugs with his tweezers, put them in his bug house, and look at them with his magnifying glass.  Ohhhhh what a BIG day!      

1 comment:

Lauren and Nick Miller said...

I love the patio area. So pretty! Reid is into puzzles now too. I hear "play puzzles with me" quite often;)

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

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