Saturday, November 5, 2011


Lately whenever it’s time to go somewhere Ford feels the need to wear his rain boots and his shades.  You only get to be a kid once so I say wear what you want as long as you’re covered.
You are only as cool as you think you are, and Ford Lamar thinks he’s pretty darn cool. 
Last night we took Ford to Puddin and Pop’s house to spend the night.  Trey told Ford to take off his jacket once we got settled.  Puddin made a strange face and said “Ford, what does your shirt say?”  Without hesitation, Ford said “F-O-R-D”.  The shirt didn’t say Ford, yet “BIG BROTHER”.  Then this morning my parents came down and Ford told them he was going to be a big brother.  So the news is out…. I have a bun in the oven.
So I hear if you are nauseated then you have a healthy baby.  I need for ALL America to know that Baby Lamar is very well and coming along nicely, because I feel TERRIBLE.  I am sooooo excited to be pregnant and can’t wait to meet this little “nugget”, but I just feel horrible.  After feeling like I would throw up on my feet at school for 2 weeks I finally broke down and called the doctor almost in tears for some medicine.  The medicine works okay, but I still feel pretty lousy.  So if you know of some anit nausea treatments shoot them my way.
The Story….
   So after 3 negative pregnancy tests I finally had a faint plus sign on Monday, October 17.  An hour and a half after I took my test I made a sign that said big brother and pinned it on Ford’s pajamas and we went and woke up Trey.  He was excited but I told him he couldn’t tell anyone.
   I had already planned to take that Wednesday off to go on Ford’s field trip so I also scheduled a doctor appointment for that same day.  I asked my mom to keep Ford while I went and told her I was having some issues I needed to get checked out.  She had no idea I was going because I was pregnant.  It was confirmed that a baby was indeed on board and I left.
   In the meantime, my appetite drastically increased as did my waist line and pants became an issue.  I did the rubber band trick on the buttons and then it just didn’t work anymore.  I desperately needed my maternity clothes that I let a friend borrow.  It’s hard to just come out and ask for them back if no one thinks you are pregnant. 
   We had big plans to make the announcement on Thanksgiving but since I am fat and nauseated we decided to spread the good news.
   So I am 7 weeks along and due June 22.

Ford and BoomPa walking down to the big tractor.
Ford has never been a big fan of TV.  TV interfered with his tractor playing time.  However, lately he has become quite fond of Bob the Builder.  Here is my baby tonight watching some Bob before bed. 

We are praying for a healthy baby.  I think I am scaring Trey that we might have twin girls on board.  Why?  Twins because I am already showing and my appetite is that of a large man, and girls because I was never sick with Ford and I am now.  I guess we will see soon enough!!!!  P.S.  I really think it’s just one baby in there, I just like to ruffle Trey’s feathers!!! 


Lauren and Nick Miller said...

I'm so happy for yall!!! My appetite increases dramatically very early on too when I'm pregnant.

heatherstockett said...

Congrats!! I'm so happy for you! I've been stalking your blog all day to see if you had posted anything yet ;)

I felt great with Jackson, but horrible with the twins. Zofran didn't really help me with nausea. Two things that helped: lemon ginger hard candies and salt and vinegar chips. I have no idea why about the chips.

Hope you feel better soon!!

Anonymous said...

I was miserably nauseous with my little boy until around 5 months. I waited for it to go away at the end of the first trimester, but no such luck. They gave me zofran - which didn't help much, but took a little bit of the edge off so I could at least function. I had to take it as soon as my feet hit the floor in the morning and then about 6 hours later. And no food, crackers, candy worked for me, but anything is worth a try. I have a friend that loved the ones called "preggie pops" she found at babies r us. Congratulations to y'all and hopefully you'll feel better soon!

Kimberly Roberts Moore said...

Jill!!! This is sooooo exciting! I was miserably nauseous with Maggie. Zofran worked a little bit. It helped me not throw up, I guess I should say. But I was still sick all day long and all night long! I bet money its a GIRL!!!!

Felicia said...

Yay the minute I saw this title in my blog roll I just knew this was your news! So proud and happy for you two and Ford!

Amanda said...

Yay!! Jill this was exciting to read!! I hope you can get some relief, I taught and was pregnant and it was so hard for the first trimester!

Laura said...

That is so exciting! Congratulations!

The Dimino's said...

Congratulations!!! So very exciting!! I know Ford is going to be a great big brother!!!

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...