Saturday, July 23, 2011

Toes in the sand

Where have I been???  It’s been a while since my last post.  I headed southeast on Tuesday the 12th and have been staring at the Gulf of Mexico, listening to the waves and sea gulls, and squishing sand between my toes.  Yes, Destin my friends!!!  Since we were gone for nearly two weeks (just got home tonight) the beach blog post will need to be done in two sections.  I took 316 pictures and I am not sure everyone is ready for that fun.
We left last Tuesday night headed for the beach.  Trey wanted to go to The Mississippi BAR convention so I agreed to go to along!!!  It took nearly two days to pack all of our stuff (I had enough for a small village of people).  The drive down there didn’t seem too bad. 
Ford listened to his tractor show with the nifty headphones….

We had multiple drivers on the 9 hour tour

Ford asked us no less than 85,000 times where we were going.  When we crossed the Alabama state line Trey said, “Hey Ford… guess where we are?”  Ford of course replied with, “The beach.”  Trey busted his bubble when he said, “No, Alabama.”   I thought Ford might cry.  Alabama wasn’t in the cards and that was not the answer he was looking for.  We stopped on the other side of the tunnel and ate at Felix’s.  Ford was concerned that the truck got stuck! 
After the big lunch he slept from Mobile to Destin!!!!!!!!!
We arrived, got checked in, and prepared for the BAR welcome party.  I was excited about this because it’s always fun.  Ford and I got ready early and took pictures outside on the porch.  This was condo #1 at Baytown. 

The next day we drove down to Rosemary beach to play with some of our friends, James and John Everette who just so happened to be at the beach as well. 
Ford and James
 I was sooooo soooooo glad that Ford was okay with the sand being on him.  He can be funny about getting his hands dirty. 

John Everette and Ford playing in the sand

Ford and Daddy checking out the ocean

Thursday night Puddin and Pops flew in from Tunica.  I wish we could have gotten the good deal and flown to the beach.  It wouldn’t be feasible for us to fly since I pack so much.  They made it in 1 hour and 15 minutes whereas it took us 9!

Headed to Baytown to eat supper.  Daddy and Ford along for the stroll. 

Ford LOVED to feed the fish

We ate at Hammer Heads and danced the night away with the band.

The band members gave Ford a glow bracelet.  Of course all that chewing made it burst in his mouth.  I was told it was nontoxic! 
He needed to wash it off in the fountain.
That night after Ford went to bed we went back out to Rum Runners.  We ran into some friends.  I promise those are not all of our drinks.  We just sat at that table!!!!!

Gigi, me, Leslie, and Lauren

The BAR always has exciting activities going on while the lawyers attend their CLE classes.  I had studied the catalog several times before we went and decided that all the free things sounded most appealing.  I never made it to Bingo or the Tuscan Women Under the Stars wine tasting, but Ford, Puddin and I DEFINITELY attended the Build a Bear Party!!!!!!

I think this is the cutest picture all week….
Ford trying to decide which animal he should pick.

Waiting patiently in line…. For almost an hour
Now I have never done Build a Bear before.  I missed a lot of what was going on since I was playing like I was the paparazzi and taking Ford’s picture left and right, but they do some strange “heart” ceremony.  I think Ford was a little goobed out, as was I over the whole deal.   
Ford is a special child and he needed two hearts in his animal!!!!!!
After our creature was complete it was time to find clothes for the little guy.  As soon as we got to the table with all the accessories Ford spotted this motorcycle and it was all over.  Yes, I bought it for him!

Well, this is what he ended up making… a dog!  I understand that the outfit is completely random, but Puddin and I just kind of threw it together.  It’s unique, like Ford.  We hope the camo underwear will entice him to use the big boy potty more!
Friday we drove down to Seaside and had supper at Café 30 A

And Saturday was my birthday.  Yes, I am 29 years young.  Trey asked me where I wanted to go and I suggested Mexican.  Ford was enjoying my lime. 
I am not sure who has the better face in this picture???????  Possibly Pops 

Okay, so that was part 1 to the Destin trip.  Part 2 will be much lengthier so get ready……..


Kimberly Roberts Moore said...

I was totally goobed out by the build a bear heart ceremony too! A little too much for me!! Cute pics!

Lauren and Nick Miller said...

Cute pictures! Looks like y'all had a blast!

heatherstockett said...

Looks like y'all had a great time!

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...