Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A Tuesday Blogger

Apparently I have become a Tuesday blogger.  All of my recent posts are on Tuesdays.

Last week we took swimming lessons.  No, Ford didn’t learn to swim, but he did learn some new swimming techniques.  He enjoyed picking out his shoes each day before the big swim.  On this particular day he chose rain boots…

Ford at swimming lessons being a bird.
Since the beginning June I have been worried that one of Ford’s eyes was turning in and he had lazy eye.  I had lazy eye as a child and got pink glasses at age 4.  I had convinced myself that I had passed my bad eyes on to Ford.  I made an appointment for last week and we both went and had our eyes checked.

Fortunately, he does not have lazy eye and she doesn’t need to see him back for another 2 years.  However, I will not be getting mother of the year for his performance in her office though.  But to his defense, being in a doctor’s office for almost 2 hours is a little much for a two year old.

Ford sporting his tractor hat while eating a sucker from the lady at the bank.

Pops was doing some yard renovations and Ford was just the man to help drive the tractor.

I love going to the lake.  Gran and BoomPa kept Ford on Sunday night so Trey and I could go to Picwick.  Puddin and Pops have a boat so we enjoyed cruising on the water.  Vance, Drew, and several others were up there as well so we tied up with their boat and floated in the water most of the day.

Drew and me….

I decided it was time for me to learn how to water ski.  Since I have been working out for a year now I decided I was strong enough to take on the challenge.  I attempted several times.  The first few times my skis fell off, then there was slack in the rope, or Trey just couldn’t drive to my liking.  Finally, I got up and was skiing when I went over the wake and busted my chops.  That was it.  I had enough.  I told Trey it felt like I ran into a brick wall.  I am still hurting 2 days later.

Do you see me?  No, I think I was drowning at this point.

I was glad to see my little man when we got home.  He was ready to play blocks and “build it tall”.

The country club always puts on a nice fireworks show for the 4th.  The only problem with a fireworks show is that it starts after dark.  We wanted to take Ford and he goes to bed before dark.  We decided to risk it anyway.

Ford in the back of Trey’s truck while we gathered our stuff for the fireworks show.

Before the show began they gave all the kids a sparkler to play with.  Safe huh??? 

Who knew sparklers could produce sooooooooo much smoke. 

After a few  minutes he said, “That’s enough.” “Go home.”  “Too loud.”

Allowing Ford to stay up for the fireworks show resulted in a 10:00 bed time.  That is a recipe for disaster.  This entire day has pretty much been a disaster.  By supper he was squalling like you have never seen.  I documented the occasion.

To cope with the day I had some ice cream after I put him to bed.  I thought I deserved it for dealing with an overly tired two year old. 
Even though he was a pistol today we still had fun.  He got another haircut.  We enjoyed some Senatobia fine dining at the local Mexican restaurant.  We played lots of hide-n-go-seek.  He counts to ten and I hide.  We played with his blocks and “made it tall.”  I managed to do 5 loads of laundry.  Ford enjoyed watching his new tractor dvd twice.  We jumped on the bed, ate snacks, sand songs, had tickle wars, and just enjoyed some quality mother-son time!

1 comment:

heatherstockett said...

"Too loud"-ha! 2 hours is a LONG time to wait for anyone! I might have acted up then ;) Get some ice cream and enjoy.

Mardi Gras Coast Style

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