Tuesday, June 14, 2011

#200 and the dina nore

Well, here we are at blog post # 200. I didn’t think 3 years ago when I started this “thing” that it was my style. My sister in-law insisted that I have a blog and I insisted that my life was much too boring for such. However, a few short months later I became pregnant and I am ohhhh so glad I have documented my little man’s life. It’s amazing what I can forget, so this can help jog my memory.

Saturday one of my dearest friends from college hosted her son’s 2nd birthday party at the zoo. Trey bowed out on the party saying that dad’s don’t do kid’s parties. Reluctantly, I drove to Memphis alone (which I do not fancy doing) to the zoo. Well, to be honest I brought along the GPS or I might still be in search of party. We got to the zoo and it’s a big place might I add, and I asked about 6 people where I was going before I found The Jungle Room. Right before I walked in the door one of my spaghetti straps broke on my shirt. Thank goodness I had put some 2 sided Hollywood Fashion Tape on my shirt or the 2 year old party might have seen more than lions and tigers and bears. Since I am usually prepared I had a safety pin and fixed my little “situation” once I got inside.

Ford kind of thought he was going to his own party again and wasn’t exactly thrilled that the truck we brought to Jackson wasn’t actually his present. 

Ford was excited when he saw his big buddy Bryce at the party.  Bryce goes to his babysitter’s house and they are big buds. 

Jackson was having a fabulous time at his party until everyone started singing Happy Birthday to him. 

The attendees 

You know I said I was sick of paying ridiculous prices for Ford’s clothes.  Here is one I had made.  $1.99 for a yard of fabric… $5.00 to have it made and $6.00 for the monogramming = Good deal!!!!

This weekend we took Ford swimming at Puddin and Pop’s swimming pool.  This little guy is fearless.  He was jumping off the diving board which he refers to as the “dina nore.”  I am not sure why he can’t say diving board because he can say hippopotamus but it just comes out as dina nore for now. 

Good stance

 It's always fun to play on a fire truck

He found an ax….. 
 Driving one is even better

My sewing lessons are coming right alone.  I made the pillow case two weeks ago and last week I started on a quilt for Ford’s room.  I can now see why quilts cost so much.  I have been working on this thing for almost 4 hours and I am no where near being finished.  I am hoping it will turn out better than the pillow case.  I am documenting the process and will share pictures when it’s complete. 

1 comment:

heatherstockett said...

You are doing great at sewing! I really need to learn how to do this.

How cute is Ford?!?! ;)

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...