Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Recent Happenings

I am a creature of habit.  I do not like change.  Change is not good for me.  We got a new computer that is much too fancy for me and I have NO idea where the pictures are that I think I downloaded from my camera.  Trey is outside working in the yard and that leaves me vs. the computer and I am afraid it might win.
Let’s play catch up.  Last week I took a photography class to obtain credits to renew my teaching license.  I was so excited about this class with high hopes of learning new and exciting ways to take pictures of Ford.  All I learned was how to put my camera on black and white.  I did have 4 days and a total of 20 hours to stalk all 1,600 of my friends on facebook.  I feel like I am “in the know” now as to what everyone is doing.
On Thursday Ford and I drove down to Jackson.  Trey was already down there on a work related matter and we thought we would join in the fun.  The ride was a little over two hours and Ford was quiet maybe 60 seconds of the entire ride.  I was a nut case by the time we arrived.  I found out they were having a sale at the mall so we went to the Renaissance.  Ford and Puddin enjoyed playing in the water.   

We went to visit my grandparents who live in Jackson and took a 4 generations picture.
We went to Sebastopol (that would be located in MS) for a family reunion on Saturday.  As you know, Ford loves tractor.  Love might not even be a strong enough word for the feelings he has towards tractors.  My uncle just so happened to have a big tractor and the only way I got Ford to bed on Friday night was to bribe him with a tractor ride the next morning.

At the reunion chasing a duck
There is BoomPa standing guard so that Ford does not fall off the couch.  BoomPa is an excellent babysitter.  I don’t worry about Ford when he is around!!!

 Ford loving on baby Jack
 Gran and Ford
 Ford and Caroline

Yesterday we were riding in the car and Ford yells, “Look Momma.”  This is what I found….
Another new development going on at the Lamar household is “potty training.”  Yes, Ford is quite young for this, but he is a smart little man and I figured we could give it a try.  He won’t tell me that he needs to use the potty but every time I put him up there he will go.  I thought he might appreciate the comfort of some “big boy underwear.”  He wasn’t as excited about the idea as I thought he would be.H

 This week we started swimming lessons.  No, I don’t think he will learn how to swim at age two, but my hope is that he will be afraid of the water yet feel safe in there.  I don’t want him to think he can get in the pool alone by any means, but I do hope he will learn to float or be able to kick and paddle enough to reach the side of the pool if he were to fall in.  Yesterday was day #1.  He did alright.  Since he had never seen his swimming teacher before it took him some time to warm up to her.  He did show her how he could jump off the diving board.  We got rained out today so I am hoping for a good lesson tomorrow.  This is Ford before day #1 of swimming lessons…. (he insisted on wearing his tennis shoes)
Helping momma water the bushesHeHe
Having a snack after his longest nap all summer… 2 hours and 20 minutes!!!!!!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Happy Weekend

Have a happy weekend!!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Heat Is On

I am really enjoying my summer off from school. It’s extremely relaxing (minus the blazing heat) and I have had a lot of time to play with my little man. Last week was a nice week. We didn’t have a set agenda so we mostly just played. Here is a run down of what went on….
We played with our friend, Liza.

We went to play with Lucy, Ruth, (Lucy’s sister) and their friends.
 Lucy is the best babysitter.  Without her I would never be able to work out.  We love you, Lucy!!!!

We pulled all 1,000 of Daddy’s ties off of his tie rack, which was not pleasing to him when he returned home.  (For the record, I tried to put them back but as I have said before Trey is very meticulous and I didn’t have them organized by color exactly right).

We went swimming at the country club pool.

We put on Daddy’s boots.

We went to play in Germantown at Uncle Ken and Aunt Ashley’s house.

Aunt Ashley brought Molly Cate, Caroline, and baby Jack to swim one day at Puddin and Pop’s house.  Pops took a seat out of his car and they found it to be very entertaining. 

As some of you know from previous blog posts I have been learning to sew, if you will.  I made the pillow case and currently I am working on a quilt.  I completely understand why quilts are so expensive now.  They take FOREVER to make.  I had full intentions of posting my completed project when it was complete of course, but I will give you a sneak peak into my project….

I am making a jelly roll quilt. Basically it’s a roll with lots of strips of fabric.

You unravel the jelly roll and begin sewing the strips together like so…..

And then when they are ALL sewn together you get…. (someone is behind the quilt holding it up).

No, it’s not complete as I said.  I am getting a solid chocolate brown back put on my lovely jelly roll quilt which has to be done by a huge quilting machine.  She (my teacher) said I have about 3 more hours of work to do on it.  It’s going to be for my favorite little man, Ford.  Maybe one day he will appreciate my hard work.  I am not in the business of quilt making by any means.  She thought a quilt would be a good learning experience for me since you basically are just sewing straight lines.  I will let you see the finished project hopefully next week! 

Some stuff about the little man…

I will be the first to say that I know nothing about potty training. However, Ford constantly tells me that he needs clean pants or that his diaper needs to be changed. A few weeks ago I bought him a potty seat that attaches to our toilet. I thought the Sesame Street characters might entice him to use it. It didn’t. Sunday night we went to Germantown and my nieces both used the potty and my sister in-law put Ford up there and he went too. I was proud. I decided that every night I would put him on the potty before we took a bath. Tonight was night 3 and he has gone in it every time before his bath. He even told me one time before his bath he wanted to use the big boy potty and he did!

I bought Ford some Flintstone vitamins for good health of course. He really likes taking them in the morning. I tried one for old time sake and they are actually terribly disgusting. I gagged, but if they are enjoyable to him that is great!

Not much more exciting is shaking around here.  Until next time…..

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

#200 and the dina nore

Well, here we are at blog post # 200. I didn’t think 3 years ago when I started this “thing” that it was my style. My sister in-law insisted that I have a blog and I insisted that my life was much too boring for such. However, a few short months later I became pregnant and I am ohhhh so glad I have documented my little man’s life. It’s amazing what I can forget, so this can help jog my memory.

Saturday one of my dearest friends from college hosted her son’s 2nd birthday party at the zoo. Trey bowed out on the party saying that dad’s don’t do kid’s parties. Reluctantly, I drove to Memphis alone (which I do not fancy doing) to the zoo. Well, to be honest I brought along the GPS or I might still be in search of party. We got to the zoo and it’s a big place might I add, and I asked about 6 people where I was going before I found The Jungle Room. Right before I walked in the door one of my spaghetti straps broke on my shirt. Thank goodness I had put some 2 sided Hollywood Fashion Tape on my shirt or the 2 year old party might have seen more than lions and tigers and bears. Since I am usually prepared I had a safety pin and fixed my little “situation” once I got inside.

Ford kind of thought he was going to his own party again and wasn’t exactly thrilled that the truck we brought to Jackson wasn’t actually his present. 

Ford was excited when he saw his big buddy Bryce at the party.  Bryce goes to his babysitter’s house and they are big buds. 

Jackson was having a fabulous time at his party until everyone started singing Happy Birthday to him. 

The attendees 

You know I said I was sick of paying ridiculous prices for Ford’s clothes.  Here is one I had made.  $1.99 for a yard of fabric… $5.00 to have it made and $6.00 for the monogramming = Good deal!!!!

This weekend we took Ford swimming at Puddin and Pop’s swimming pool.  This little guy is fearless.  He was jumping off the diving board which he refers to as the “dina nore.”  I am not sure why he can’t say diving board because he can say hippopotamus but it just comes out as dina nore for now. 

Good stance

 It's always fun to play on a fire truck

He found an ax….. 
 Driving one is even better

My sewing lessons are coming right alone.  I made the pillow case two weeks ago and last week I started on a quilt for Ford’s room.  I can now see why quilts cost so much.  I have been working on this thing for almost 4 hours and I am no where near being finished.  I am hoping it will turn out better than the pillow case.  I am documenting the process and will share pictures when it’s complete. 

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...