Sunday, May 29, 2011

A sweet conversation

This has been such a fun week.  Ford and I didn’t do anything spectacular; we just did a lot of playing.

I wanted to take Ford’s picture and he wouldn’t cooperate.  I told him to say cheese and then we would go ride his tractor.  You can tell he is saying “cheese!”

 It was nap time.  Can you tell?

A friend let us borrow their “All About John Deere Tractors” DVD and Ford can’t seem to get enough of it.  We have watched it approximately ten times and I am certain I can memorize parts of it.  This is how I found him watching it on Wednesday. 

On Thursday we had a play date with our buddy, Cooper.

Having a popsicle   
 Pretending to ride the 4-wheeler 

After our play date I told Trey that we needed to work with Ford on his throwing skills. Lucky for us Uncle Ken, Aunt Ashley, Molly Cate, Caroline, and Baby Jack gave Ford a tee-ball set for his birthday. We had some batting and throwing practice in the yard after supper.

 I can't even explain this one

BoomPa and Gran came down to eat with us at the Como Steak House on Friday night.  Trey loves food more than most people I know and he was excited when his 24 oz. steak came out.  It was huge!

Saturday night Ford had his first ice cream cone.  Yes, he has had ice cream, but it has been in a bowl or cup.  This was super messy, but he loved it. 

 That was all Trey's doing.

 I love this child!
This morning after Ford woke up he was in need of some milk and a little rocking time. He said “Momma, just talk.” I asked him what he wanted to talk about and he said “Jesus.” I asked him where Jesus lived and he said “In Heaven, in the sky.” Then he said, “Go see Jesus.” I told him that if he loved Jesus with all his heart one day he could go see Jesus in Heaven. It was such a sweet “talk” we had. I am glad that Ford wants to learn about the Lord. I pray that it will continue for the rest of his life.

1 comment:

Lauren and Nick Miller said...

What a sweet little boy:) Reid got that same t-ball set for his b-day.

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...