Monday, April 4, 2011

Ford's Prayers

His new tractor hat
My little man turned 23 months on Friday and before I know it he will be 2 years old.  Tonight while I was rocking him and he was drinking his bottle I told him we needed to say his prayers.  I said “Thank you Jesus for Momma.  Thank you for Daddy.  Thank you for Delta.  Then I went on and named everyone else he knows.  He said, “say more.”  I told him to tell me what he was thankful for.  He said, “Thank you Jesus for the water hose.”  I smiled.  That is something small, but it makes Ford happy and he is thankful for it.  Then he said, “Guess what?”  I said, “What?”  Ford said, “I go outside.”  I told him I didn’t think so and it was time to go to bed.  He is sooo much fun and I am trying to treasure all the time I have with him.  I know that soon he will be “too big” for my hugs and won’t need me to rock him anymore.  Until then I will cherish those sweet moments.

 BoomPa pushing Ford in his car
 "I go fast"
 Me and my little man


Lauren and Nick Miller said...

Precious. I was thinking the exact same thing tonight when Reid was trying to sing along to Jesus Loves Me:)

heatherstockett said...

Almost 2! It'll be here before you know it. I love hearing what Jackson is thankful for. He usually names all his trains :)

The Savage Family said...

What cute pictures. Love the prayers....Hayes is talking all the time and I love it! I can't wait until he can make sentences. No telling what he will say!


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