Sunday, February 27, 2011

News to come....

Since the last post our living room still looks the same. The insurance adjuster is coming tomorrow so hopefully we can get our house back to normal before the end of the week (fingers crossed).

Ford ended up being a sick little man. He ran fever most of Wednesday afternoon and night until I (genius that I am) realized that I had been giving him Tylenol when Motrin is really the only thing that can get his fever down. The doctor said he had another double ear infection and possibly strep. I don’t think he had strep and neither did Gran. No strep test was given because the antibiotic for the ear infection would also cure the strep she said. By Thursday afternoon he was acting more like my child and not falling asleep on the couch anymore!

Asleep on the way home from the doctor

 Helping Momma make muffins on Saturday morning
 "I stir Momma"

The toilet paper holder fell off the wall.  Ford needed to fix it.

 Hiding so he won't have to take a nap

I have read several people’s blogs lately where they have pictures of, or talk about riding bikes.  I really want a bike.  I have pretty much been begging Trey for once since before we got married.  We are going on 6 years now people.  I told him I could get a seat on the back and Ford and I could go for rides and it would be great exercise for me.  He said something like that would be expensive and we have a lot of stuff coming up soon.  I told him to cancel some of the things.  He wanted to know how me getting a bike would allow for us to spend quality time together.  I told him he could chase after Ford and me as we went for a spin.  He didn’t laugh.  I did!  I am not giving up on this bike idea either.  I need one for Mother’s Day.  I argued that I don’t hunt, fish, play golf etc. like he does and I need a hobby.  He has lots of money invested in all his extracurricular activities and I need the same kind of treatment.  I will let you all know how this ends up on Mother’s Day! 

Sometimes there are things that need to be done at our house that I like to “put off.” It’s one of those deals that I say I will do it, but never actually get around to. Well, it’s just about March and we still had a pumpkin on our back porch. I know that is sick and you all probably think a lot less of me, but I don’t care. Trey decided it was time to get rid of the pumpkin this weekend. I agreed.  
Stuck to the table

Trey cleaning the roof off.  The gutters were pretty nasty. 

 Ford was concerned
 I told him he looked ridiculous giving the "peace sign."
Everyday after I get Ford from his baby sitter’s house I ask him what kind of day he had. His response: “A good day.”
We also talk about if he was a sweet boy, if he took a nap, and what he ate for lunch. Every single time I ask him what he ate his response is: “Crackers, cheese, ham, and hotdogs.” I could ask him when he wakes up from his nap today what he ate for lunch and he would tell me those 4 things… he didn’t eat any of that today. He is such a mess!
He can spell his own name without any help.
He is recognizing several colors now. His favorite one to call out first is blue.
He knows cars very well. He can spot anyone’s car (that he knows) driving by our house, in a parking lot, or if they pull into our driveway. I think he got this talent from his momma. I have (used to be better) always been good about knowing different kinds of cars and could even tell you what kind of car it was just by looking at the hub caps. One of my many talents I am proud of. Ha ha ha!!!
At night when we rock Ford prefers for me to hum “Silent Night” or to sing “Baby Jesus” which is “Jesus Loves Me.”

Walking to see the tractor

His entourage following

 BoomPa decided to ride too
 Playing in the park
 Gran making sure he didn't fall
 Getting ready for bed.  He has my headband around his neck I wear when I was my face

We have some big family news to share with you on Tuesday.  Check back to find out what it is…

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Reserve Ran Out

If you are wondering, no, our house is not back to normal. It looks pretty much the same as the picture in the last post except after 6 days we don’t have those loud fans anymore. It was almost creepy coming home Monday afternoon from work and my house being so quiet. I am guessing it could be at least another week before the insurance adjuster and contractor people can fix us all back up. It’s been a situation… and I am not even lying.

On Sunday I had the bright idea to go 4-wheeler riding. Trey agreed that it was a good idea and wanted to stop by our new land and future home site first. Ford was not having much of that business because he knew we were supposed to be going to the farm to ride 4-wheelers. Driving Daddy’s truck did help his feelings a little bit though.

Falling down in the tall grass.

Trey and Ford looking at the horses.

Being red-neck and riding thru creeks and lots of mud

After we had been riding about 5 minutes I inquired about the gas situation.  Trey told me that we had plenty of gas and if we happened to run out then 4-wheelers have a thing called reserve.  It wasn’t 2 minutes later that Trey announces that we were about to run out of gas.  I told him it would be a good idea to turn around because we were already a good long ways from his truck.  He insisted that we continue on our nature ride.  I began to threaten him that I would not be happy if we ran out of the reserve gas and I had to carry Ford nearly 1 mile through thick woods.  He laughed at me.  WHAT do you think happened?  We broke down!!! 

Trey calling for help 
 My mad look
 Ford pretend driving... we were stranded
 Me calling 911.... not really but I was getting help
 Trey and Ford doing manly things... probably looking for "deer rubs" or "tracks"

I picked Ford up from his sitter today and thought he felt a little bit warm.  When we got home we walked around outside for a few minutes and I completely forgot about thinking he felt hot.  A little later I went to change his diaper and took his temp.  The first thermometer said 103.2… I decided it was wrong and grabbed another one that read 102.8.  Yep… he’s sick, AGAIN!  I am guessing it’s the ears.  It’s always the ears.  I should have seen the signs… he has been SUPER fussy the last 2 days and has gone to bed before 7:00 both nights.  I will be home with him tomorrow and we will go to see what old doc says in the morning. 

(Notice the trailer... that is our old living room floor).  So sad

I called my mom to tell her how sick my baby was and Ford literally fell asleep in my lap during the 4 minute phone conversation.  Then I laid him on the couch and he slept like this for 30 minutes while I made all kinds of noise in the kitchen.

My mother in law made this spaghetti recipe a while back and I thought it was really good. I asked her for the recipe and she couldn’t remember where she found it. I have attempted to make my own version of what we think might have been in there. We had this Monday night.

1 ½ pounds ground beef
½ to 1 onion
1 (16 oz.) jar spaghetti sauce
1 can petite diced tomatoes
1 small carton sour cream
1 (8 oz) cream cheese, softened
1 bag of shredded Mozzarella cheese
(I also add a little Cheddar cheese)
thin spaghetti noodles

Cook meat, drain, and pour in a bowl. Saute onion in a small amount of butter and add to meet. Cook noodles and add to meat and onion. Pour the remaining ingredients (not the cheese) in the bowl and stir. Pour in a large casserole dish, top with cheese and bake at 350 until bubbly.

It’s really easy and makes a lot. We usually eat on it for 2 nights and then I freeze the rest.

My mom is also a great cook and fed us good growing up. Tonight I cooked one of her dishes.

Boneless skinless chicken breasts (enough for however many people you are feeding)

Bake in the over until done. In a bowl mix up 1 can of cream of mushroom soup, 1 small can of evaporated milk, and some (not an entire bag) mild or medium shredded cheese. Pour mixture over chicken during the last 15 minutes of cooking. Serve sauce on top of white rice as well.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Bye Bye Floor

Since I last posted on Wednesday things have gotten worse and better.  I really can’t decide which.  I am trying to think positive but in this situation it’s extremely difficult.  On Thursday they ripped out our hardwood floors and left the fans and dehumidifiers.  Now let’s be serious here for a minute.  I am not talking about a sweet little fan you would turn on to cool down after a long day; I am talking a LOUD commercial style man-eating fans. 

This is what I came home to on Thursday.... pretty sad
 A view from what used to my my dinning room.  Now it's a storage room.  Notice the plastic on the right.

Ford is terrified of loud noises so our house is not his idea of fun.  If we are in the front part of the house all he does is cry and whine or need to be held.  Thank goodness the weather is nice and we can spend most of our time outside.  The people from Service Master came today and said that they could take some of the fans away but not all of them.  The ply-wood which was under the hardwood is still wet in some places and that must dry.  We are still waiting on the adjuster to come and make a quote before we get new floors, baseboards, and a paint job.  My house looks like a train wreck.  I would never have voted myself as best housekeeper, but this is borderline ridiculous. 

Playing on the big tractor

Ford loves his Pops (Trey’s dad) and really loves when Pops will take him for a ride on his tractor.  I offered to go for a spin today.  I was getting the full instruction on how to work this fine piece of machinery. 

Trey needed to add his two-cents

I love Christmas.  It’s my most favorite holiday for a variety of reasons.  As we all know Christmas comes in the month of December, but at the Lamar house it’s come more than in just one month.  In January I got my ring Trey got me for Christmas and this month I used a gift certificate he gave me.  On Friday I took a “sanity” day from work.  I went to get my hair cut and colored and then went to get a massage.  This wasn’t any ordinary massage, it was fabulous!  I hope that I can be really good and maybe Trey will give me another one for Mother’s Day.
 Eating peanuts at Puddin and Pops's house

 Playing in a suitcase
My count down to spring break is on.  I bet I am more excited than the kids are!!!  Stay tuned for more about the life and times of the Lamar family and the home renovations. 

Mardi Gras Coast Style

Did you know that NO ONE wants to keep 3 kids?   You got one... people will fight over one.   Two....kind of got to ask nicely.   Three....n...