Ford ended up being a sick little man. He ran fever most of Wednesday afternoon and night until I (genius that I am) realized that I had been giving him Tylenol when Motrin is really the only thing that can get his fever down. The doctor said he had another double ear infection and possibly strep. I don’t think he had strep and neither did Gran. No strep test was given because the antibiotic for the ear infection would also cure the strep she said. By Thursday afternoon he was acting more like my child and not falling asleep on the couch anymore!
Asleep on the way home from the doctor
Helping Momma make muffins on Saturday morning
"I stir Momma"
The toilet paper holder fell off the wall. Ford needed to fix it.
Hiding so he won't have to take a nap
I have read several people’s blogs lately where they have pictures of, or talk about riding bikes. I really want a bike. I have pretty much been begging Trey for once since before we got married. We are going on 6 years now people. I told him I could get a seat on the back and Ford and I could go for rides and it would be great exercise for me. He said something like that would be expensive and we have a lot of stuff coming up soon. I told him to cancel some of the things. He wanted to know how me getting a bike would allow for us to spend quality time together. I told him he could chase after Ford and me as we went for a spin. He didn’t laugh. I did! I am not giving up on this bike idea either. I need one for Mother’s Day. I argued that I don’t hunt, fish, play golf etc. like he does and I need a hobby. He has lots of money invested in all his extracurricular activities and I need the same kind of treatment. I will let you all know how this ends up on Mother’s Day!
Sometimes there are things that need to be done at our house that I like to “put off.” It’s one of those deals that I say I will do it, but never actually get around to. Well, it’s just about March and we still had a pumpkin on our back porch. I know that is sick and you all probably think a lot less of me, but I don’t care. Trey decided it was time to get rid of the pumpkin this weekend. I agreed.
Stuck to the table
Trey cleaning the roof off. The gutters were pretty nasty.
Ford was concerned
I told him he looked ridiculous giving the "peace sign."
Everyday after I get Ford from his baby sitter’s house I ask him what kind of day he had. His response: “A good day.”
We also talk about if he was a sweet boy, if he took a nap, and what he ate for lunch. Every single time I ask him what he ate his response is: “Crackers, cheese, ham, and hotdogs.” I could ask him when he wakes up from his nap today what he ate for lunch and he would tell me those 4 things… he didn’t eat any of that today. He is such a mess!
He can spell his own name without any help.
He is recognizing several colors now. His favorite one to call out first is blue.
He knows cars very well. He can spot anyone’s car (that he knows) driving by our house, in a parking lot, or if they pull into our driveway. I think he got this talent from his momma. I have (used to be better) always been good about knowing different kinds of cars and could even tell you what kind of car it was just by looking at the hub caps. One of my many talents I am proud of. Ha ha ha!!!
At night when we rock Ford prefers for me to hum “Silent Night” or to sing “Baby Jesus” which is “Jesus Loves Me.”
Walking to see the tractor
His entourage following
BoomPa decided to ride too
Playing in the park
Gran making sure he didn't fall
Getting ready for bed. He has my headband around his neck I wear when I was my face
We have some big family news to share with you on Tuesday. Check back to find out what it is…